View Full Version : fat distribution

Rachel W
30-01-09, 01:26
Hi Guys,

I have been suffering from Health anxiety for almost six months now and when I say health anxiety, I am talking never stop thinking about it, anxiety. (it has been causing twitches and perceived weakness, stiffness in hands and mouth - speech issues - I went to a neurologist who specialises in ALS and my clinical and EMG were both normal and he told me that I do not have anything serious wrong and that anxiety was causing my symptoms - they did start AFTER I noticed one small unrelated health issue).

Any way, my new question is that I noticed that my skin seems thinner on my hands and swear I seem to be losing fat around my shoulders and face. My muscles however do not seem different, I can just see the muscles at my jaw more clearly when I clench my jaws and I feel that my collar bones seem a little more noticeable as well as on and in front of my shoulders and slightly more bumbs where my ribs are although they are not very noticeable.

I have not lost weight and seem to be carrying more in my middle.

I know that prolonged stress can cause cortisol to move fat from some areas of the body to the abdomen, but I thought that it causes fat gain in the face and shoulders also, not the other way around. I am about 25 lbs overweight and have always carried the weight more around my belly and upper legs and never get too overweight in the face, lower arms or legs and shoulders, but I am still concerned.

Any one else notice this?



30-01-09, 04:42
While it is true that stress does lead to cortisol being released from 'storage' to fat cells in the abdomen, this is because cortisol receptors are found deep in the abdomen and that is why they are attracted to that part of the body.
No one can choose where fat ends up. By individual design, either from genetics or just from body type alone we all carry more weight in different areas of our bodies.

It is when you focus on certain little observations and tell yourself "I never noticed that before" that the health anxiety can kick in.

While it is a good thing to notice changes in things like moles, breast tissue, and other things that should be evaluated by a doctor, critiquing every lump, bump, and crevice is something that should be avoided.

If you really feel that it's an issue that you need addressed then by all means see your doctor if only to get piece of mind that you are healthy but, redirecting your thoughts and energies to something more constructive is probably a wise decision.