View Full Version : burning up?

30-01-09, 09:52
last night i was sat feeding my baby and all of a suddern i started burning up really quick and i was thinking omg this is it! i got chest pains in the centre and tingling in the centre it felt so strange
has anyone else had this?
ive been taking citalopram for 2 days, is this a side effect maybe?
also getting the worse migranes ever
joanne x

30-01-09, 10:05
have you tried 5-htp? I was getting migraines that felt like they never properly went away - started with tight feeling in jaw and shoulders, moved to aching limbs then full blown headaches. Anyway I have been taking 5htp for 3 weeks and havent had any migraines. I dont even care if its a placebo effect I'm just happy I havent had migraine for so long! Of course it might not work for you and I dont know if you can take it along with your medication but you could ask doc. Or ask doc if theres something you can take with your meds for migraine. As for your other symptoms i'm sure its anxiety. Your body gets very hot when holding a baby!

31-01-09, 03:05
Sounds like a panic attack to me :hugs:
but i dont know to much about the meds you are on maybe you should see your gp

31-01-09, 12:56
Hi joanne,

I have been taking Citalopram for over two years now. I haven't suffered too much side effects with taking Citalopram. Each person is diffirent with any medication they take. If you are still worried about taking Citalopram contact your doctor about how you are feeling about the drug.

Keith x

31-01-09, 16:36
Hi there,

This is a panic attack - I suffered these sensations too when I was having panic attacks. The awful thing was that they would come out of nowhere - I'd be sitting there feeding my baby and all of a sudden I'd get a rush of burning through me - freaked me right out I can tell you. I'd just started taking Prozac at the time and the poor GP who had to ring me in the middle of the night promptly said it was a panic attack and also a possible side effect from the Prozac. Needless to say i did not believe him. Six years on I am still here though so am guessing he was right.

Horrible sensation I know but definitely NOT life threatening.