View Full Version : Quitting Citalopram

30-01-09, 12:22
Hi all,

I have been on Citalopram for 3 months now, and after initially feeling better, I have started to feel bad again. I feel like I have been physically ill ever since I have been on them with headaches and sinus problems and the like, but the last couple of weeks, I have had heightened anxiety. I get this awful feeling way down in the pit of my stomach where I get so scared and I just want to cry or scream and run around like a mad woman, I hate this feeling so much, it makes me feel like i'm going to die. So it seems that the drug is not working after all and I honestly feel like stopping it completely. Has anyone else done this cold turkey and what side effects did they get?

02-02-09, 11:00
Hi i feel the same, and seriously thinking of quiting now:blush:
ive been on for 5 weeks and i feel physicly ill everyday, im so fed up of it.
im at the docs in morning gonna see what he says...but i think it isnt working for me either :mad:

02-02-09, 11:13
Bubblefizz when you say you feel ill, what exactly are you symptons as i have been up and down on these tablets, have you not even felt slightly better, what dose are you on now and how long have you been on it x lucy

02-02-09, 11:18
Lucy read the thread on "5 weeks" ive posted there :)
saves repeating myself lol

02-02-09, 11:26
mVP I stopped taking seroxat 40 to 0mg and it was hell! See my posts on citalopram thread. At 5 weeks on citalopram I have side effects but they are not as unbearable as the anxiety I had before so I hope they will work for me. I couldn't bear to go through withdrawal again. Angie I know your dose is 12mg which is low. Perhaps like me you could take something else as a 'buffer' to help you?I have 20mg amitripyline daily whilst citalopram builds up in my body. Am now up to 40mg for last 5 days.

Do you need to increase your doses to a more therapeutic level for you?

02-02-09, 11:28
i honestly dont know sara, just dont know what to do for the best it seems either way i cant win :(

Troubled girl
02-02-09, 23:40
Im interested to hear what your doc says to you about the horrid side effects and stoppin them all together cause im in a very similar situation been on citalopram for 5 and a bit weeks and honestly i can say ive never felt worse than these last few weeks. i havent taken them for the last coupla days and although i dont feel better(the depression is clearly still there) i feel less anxious, scared, stressed out and suicidal.
Anyway, im very interested to find out what advice you get cause i must say i am actually petrified to go back on them for fear of those awful side effects again starting again.
hope you get the help/advice that you need!
Look after yourself
Deirdre xx

03-02-09, 01:43
Hi, Yes I just stopped my 40mg at the end of last year, wasnt feeling bad on them or anything, but I just decided I didnt want to be on them any more. Dont think Ive had much in the way of side effects, perhaps slight headache and night sweats.

03-02-09, 15:12
Im sticking mine out :( im half way there anyway, and my dose was really low 12mg, but the docs increasing mine every 2 weeks till i get the right dose.
Im convinced im gonna get there!!! :)

03-02-09, 16:52
Bubblefizz, I have left you a message on the "5 weeks on" thread stick with them and increase your dose , let me know how you get on . Lucy x