View Full Version : Horrible Symptoms And I'm very Scared!!!!!

13-07-05, 16:55

I feel very very faint today! Also everytime i breath out my stomach hurts, Also when breathing i get pains in my chest so im very worried.
Blood clot keeps coming into my mind but probably because someone in the family had bad breathing and was breathless for 2 days then collapsed and died and no-one even knew he had a blood clot so im worried thats what it is.
I feel like i am not breathing at all and gasping for air and feel like i am choking and suffocating and the stomach and chest pain when im breathing is making me worry even more.
I just dont think anxiety is doing this and something bad is wrong with me and i think im going to die.

My peak flow has been bad for the last 4-5 days as well its been around 280-350 but mine has never been more than 400 in my life anyway.

I feel a weird feeling in my throat as well like something is strangling me or i have a apple stuck in my throat where my adams apple is and it feels terrible as well these symptoms i have had for around 4-5 days now and i am very worried, i wouldnt bother going to the doctors as i think doctors are useless half the time/

13-07-05, 17:20

please try not to worry it is only anxiey honestly ,you will be fine ,iget lots of syptoms diffrent ones every day

im here if u need to chat

hanna xx

13-07-05, 21:35
Also i have been suffering from alot of diarrhoea today and feeling sick and very hot and sweating buckets, the hot weather does not help at all!
But i would really appreciate it if people gave me some advice about my above symptoms and worries as i havent had much feedback.

13-07-05, 21:41
i have been having these symptoms for weeks now, went to doc on friday and he says it is panic / stress and not heart related. i get the tight throat thing as well and then it feels as though i want to cough.
i go back to work on monday, after having this week off, not looking forward to it at all!
this sight is really good, it helps me to read it if i start to feel unwell, it calms , me down knowing i am not the only one feeling like this.

13-07-05, 22:02
Why do you think your peak flow might have dropped ? Check your technique.

If you are that worried then do go and see your doctor but iof you've had these symptoms before and he's said its ok, then its most likely anxiety related again.

All the symptoms you mention can be anx related but unless you're hyperventilating your peak flow wouldn't drop.


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

13-07-05, 22:08

it sounds anxiety related to me.. ive been getting a tight throat but because i'm dehydrated and air conditioning in shops.. as for the sickness and sweating, have you been sitting in the sun for a long time? you may have had too much sun..
have a cool bath/shower.. and keep your water intake up..
good luck and hope you have a better day tomorrow,

"do not fear to hope...Each time we smell the autumn's dying scent, we know that primrose time will come again"

13-07-05, 22:47
Hope you're feeling better now. It sounds like the breathing thing may be hyperventilating. I've had that alot. I also have asthma. This hot weather doesn't help breathing feel comfortable either and can make you feel faint.
Meg - you said hyperventilating makes peak flows drop? With me it makes it better and a gp said that's normal? I've had really really severe hyperventilation that hasn't affected mine.

13-07-05, 22:51
If you're breathing faster the tendency is not to breathe as deeply as there is less time between breaths.

The breaths are more likely to just involve the upper chest not right down into the diaphrapm area.


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

13-07-05, 23:54
I very much breathe quicker and from my uper chest when I hyperventilate but always seem to still manage an excellent peak flow. Still that can't be a bad thing can it lol :)

14-07-05, 16:31
It's a good thing . lol

Works for you


05-09-05, 20:00
I started having this shortness of breath thing like last summer. It was when I was constantly aware of my breathing and feeling like I couldn't. It went away when I went to school and now its back again. Im still here and when I dont think about im fine.

05-09-05, 22:53
when you suffer from panic and anxiety, you concentrate on your breathing not relalizing it half the time and sometimes because you are basically exerting your body you can get stitches, cramp, backache and headaches. even crying for a lengh of time can cause stomach upsets, from sickness to loose stools.
being hot doesnt help, so drinking loads of water is the best thing. that and rest, so if you can go and lie down.
most tablets make your toilet habbits go awol anyway. but as usual if you are that worried best ask the doctor or someone at the chemists.

hugs xxxxx

06-09-05, 00:10

We all think about it and on many occasions too much and that highlights how we really feel.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

"Life is a distance and to travel that distance you were given the strength and guidance to do so".