View Full Version : New poster - some advice or just some tips please :)

30-01-09, 16:44

Hopefully I'll keep this short. I guess I have always been an anxious person but it seemed to hit new heights when I gave birth to my daughter last year and it's been diagnosed as a number of things, the obvious was that I had PND, then another doctor decided it was more PTSD (post traumatic shock) and now I am seeing a new psychologist for CBT who thinks it's just all heightened general anxiety with an element of PTSD relating to my daughters birth - which was an awful experience.

I don't get panic 'attacks' but just really intense anxiety, palputations, hot flushes, feelings of worry, no appetite and dry mouth - these all last for HOURS when it hits and when it's passed I end up with a migraine.

I was put on citalopram last February, 10mg for two weeks and then up to 20mg. Things smoothed out for a couple of months then I had another anxiety attack and my GP put it up to 30mg and referred me for CBT and councilling - which my local NHS knocked back as they pigeon holed me into PND and assured me it would go away over time. Anyway it didn't and in August 08 my Citalopram was increased to 40mg after a couple of anxiety attacks.

Things went alot better but Christmas and my daughters first birthday have triggered off my anxiety again and I really feel like the Citalopram isn't working anymore. My GP has prescribed me 60mg but to alternate it, so take 40mg one day, 60mg next day, back to 40mg and so on. The only thing is I haven't started this yet as when I took the 10mg I had a very strong reaction to it 3 days in and had an awful night of hallucinations and palputations followed by sweating. My GP said it was unusual for people to react to 10mg but told me to sit tight and it would get better. Then about 4 months ago I missed a day by accident and had the most awful night from it, anxiety attack, followed by migraine. I am worried that my body won't cope with the alternating dose. Has anyone else here been prescribed a similar pattern?

I dont want to mess about too much as I work 4 days a week and as my husband works far away I am responsible for all the driving and shopping and general house upkeep.

Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated.

Lu xoxoxo :flowers:

30-01-09, 16:50
Sorry I forgot to add I cannot be prescribed anything like beta-blockers as I have quite severe asthma.

The reason I have posted on here is that I've noticed my mood get very low recently and I feel a bit hard done by as I've been trying to push through this now for over a year and haven't had much joy.

Thanks x

31-01-09, 09:23
Hi Lu - just read your post - poor you, it sounds as if you have so much on your plate. I don't have any experience of that particular drug so I cannot comment so I hope that others can respond to you.

Hope things settle down soon for you.

