View Full Version : Hello I've had a good cry and now want to get positive and beat this

30-01-09, 19:38
Hello everyone! I'm Mary, am 39 and live in Birmingham. I've never had an overall diagnosis but have suffered from everything under the sun during the last 10 years. Started off with panic attacks, developed into agoraphobia for two years, I got over that :) but still suffered with panic and horrible anxiety. I don't know how I have managed to work over the last 8 years but I have kept jobs and kept my anxiety a secret from my colleagues. I started working (at the NHS) last June and things were going great - anxiety sort of OK, some good days, some bad but on the whole everything was OK. Then a new manager started and since December I've really struggled and I've now had two periods of sickness due to my anxiety returning with avengence and I'm petrified that I might lose my job :blush: Thing is, I find this new manager unbearable - she's controlling and bullyish and I'm finding it hard to think of a way to deal with it. Anyway, I will post some comments in the relevant forums and really hope I can pick some brains and offer loads of support to fellow suffers. Looking forward to it.

30-01-09, 19:41
Hi Mary, :)

:welcome: to NMP. It's great that you've joined. There is so much information & help here.

Best wishes :flowers:

30-01-09, 19:46
Hei Mary! :hugs:


I saw the title to your post and really empathise. I only joined recently so am catching up with a lot of great advise. When I joined I had a massive lump in my throat as I was typing because I was teary and down but I knew I was posting in exactly the right place and I'm so glad I found this site :yesyes:

30-01-09, 19:52
Aaaaahhh thanks Budgie.

30-01-09, 20:18
:welcome: hi and welcome to NMP:)

31-01-09, 14:09

Have you explained your situation to your employer? They are duty bound to support employees who suffer from anxiety or stress. At the end of the day they will want an employee who is at work happy, rather than one who is off ill and unhappy.

It may be that a particular way of working or something within your work environment is causing this and it is just not realised yet. By making your employer aware then aspects can be reviewed and perhaps resolved.

I know that sometimes it can be difficult to talk about things like anxiety and stress within the workplace because some old fashioned bosses still view it as a sign of weakness, but this will not be the case within the NHS.

I run a very busy department within a large national company. I have quite a lot of confidence, I have to make presentations to rooms full of people and generally on a day to day basis I am responisible many things. Yet I don't panic or suffer from anxiety during all of this. It's when I have my quite moments that it can hit me. I made sure that my bosses were fully aware of this because there are times when I have to take a few minutes to myself in order to relax and calm the pulse etc. They are fully supportive of this because in return they know that they get a productive Manger and not one who signs off ill because of lack of support.

If you can approach them I think it would help.

31-01-09, 22:59
Hi and:welcome: to NMP, pleased you found us. I'm sure you will like it here as there is so much advice, information and support.Please remeber you are never feel alone.

chat is fun too and a great place to make new friends:biggrin:

02-02-09, 13:42
Hi and a big welcome to NMP its great to have you here, hope to see you in chat sometime,

Take care

Emma xxx

02-02-09, 17:55
Hi, I've only just joined myself but found this site to be a great help. It really makes it easier to cope when you realise your not the only one with this type of problem.

All the best,
