View Full Version : Eye problem

30-01-09, 20:45
Just in the last hour, my eye leaked some discharge, not much, but striaght after came a itchy sensation, waterying and runny nose, my nose runny in the right side aswell as my eye, its my right eye, its now burning slitely and still itchy, coudl this be eyelashes getting in my eye? or somign else? btw im male

31-01-09, 01:32
It sounds like it could be conjuctivitis.
It's nothing, just a little eye infection.
If it is that, your GP will prescribe you some eye drops or something more suitable for you. I had it a couple of years back, i hated the idea of eye drops so they gave me ointment that you use a little like eyeliner but it goes inside your eye.
Only lasted about a week :)

If it's not that it sounds like it could be an eyelash in your eye.
I'd say if it's not conjuctivitis and it doesn't go away within 2 weeks go to the opticians and they will see if there's something in your eye. But if the doctor says it's not conjuctivitis he will probably tell you what it is anyway.
