View Full Version : work!!

13-07-05, 18:02
hi everyone,
im really worried at the moment cause ive been offered a job in my local shop part time and i want to go for it but i keep thinking the what" ifs" i walked out of my last job because of my disorder and deeply regreted it, at the same time im thinking it may help my anxiety i just dont know what to do, im worried that somethings going to happen to me as the shop workers obviously dont know about my disorder,and id rather they didnt the only thing is what if i have a panic attack while im working[as that was the reason i left my other job] it scared me, they might think im ill and get me an ambulance or something, im in a dilema, the job is only down the road where i live.
thanks for listening
luv sue xx:)

13-07-05, 21:29

You could go for it and see how it goes. You never know so try to be positive about it and you may love it!!

It could be the start of getting you back out there and controlling the panic etc.

I say go for it!


"Nearly all happiness comes into our lives through doors we don't even remember leaving open"

13-07-05, 21:54
Sue, I think its an excellent opportunity to get out there and try to progress.

So yes, what if you did have a panic attack ? - its something we have all thought about at some stage.

You know how your panics affect you and how to cope with them.. it wouldn't be a complete disaster, you'd end up telling them, they'd help calm you down and you'd be fine.


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

13-07-05, 22:04
hi sue,

i advise you to do it! its only part time and only down the road. You'd regret it if you didn't.. I just started working full time 3 weeks ago and i'm so glad i did. nobody knows what has been wrong with me and i have had a couple of occasions when i've had high anxiety levels, but I know how to deal with them now if i do. I almost want one so I can learn more about how to get out of them. and of course if you want one, you dont get one!!
go get 'em! you can do it!
Love lisa

"do not fear to hope...Each time we smell the autumn's dying scent, we know that primrose time will come again"

14-07-05, 09:04
Hi Sue,

As its been offered to you and you don't have to go through the interview half your battle is over already.

I'd go for it - all the signs are there, firstly the above, secondly its only down the road, thirdly you wouldn't even have considered it if you didn't think deep down you could do it.

Face the panic side of it when and if you need to - you can always say 'you'll have to excuse me if I get a little breathless sometimes (or whatever you feel your panics main symptom is) its an allergy thing I have (infact I may use that one myself - I quite like it)!

Good luck and go for it!!![8D]

Love Piglet

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

14-07-05, 09:57
hi sue,
JUST DO IT!! i know what you mean about worrying about possible panic attacks but i think you should go for it. we can't allow our lives to be ruled by this thing, we have to fight to beat it. when i started going back to work, i carried a huge bag of 'comfort stuff' with me...rescue remedy, my CBT notes, lavender, sparkling water... the list goes on! if you start feeling panicky while you're at work, you can just go to the loo with your comfort stuff and talk yourself down.
what if you went for it and it was all fine and you didn't panic? it's a possibility!
henri xx

14-07-05, 12:38
Hi Sue,

I say go for it - Everything seems on yor side - it is oart time, right near where you live etc...you will be close to home if you ever need to get there.

Like the others said - this could be your chance and oportunity to start building yourself up again & its a great oportunity...

You will know deep down whether it is right or not - try not to focus on the 'what ifs'...focus on what you'd get out of the job - it is a positive step.

Tatty B xx

14-07-05, 13:04
I think definately Sue go for it!!!!

You can do it. Be strong Brave & POSITIVE.

You might find you are so busy and distracted you might not even have time to think about the panic hun.

Good luck with what you decide.

Take Care,

Love PIP'S X X

18-07-05, 08:23
Hi Sue,

Hope you are ok - what did you decide about the job?

Tatty B xx