View Full Version : New here - fear of a panic attack

13-07-05, 18:31
Hi everyone this is my first post but I have been reading the forum for some time and decided it's time to post. Sorry if this becomes a bit long and rambling!

I have suffered from panic attacks/anxiety for many years - I was also agraphobic at one time. Over the last few years I've been much much better with one big exception I have a phobia about anything medical.

About 10 months ago I had a piece of wisdom tooth fall out – and duly had to find a dentist – who said it needed removing. For one reason and another I couldn’t stay with that dentist and did nothing for a while. I then decided to have counselling to try and get over my phobia – which resulted in me finding out the reason for my phobias and anxiety – I have a real fear of losing control or giving control over to someone else – which all stems back to something that happened many years ago.

In the meantime I found a new dentist who is very very good and patient with me – he has told me the only work I really need doing is the tooth removing and it willing to go with me as to when it is done – I’ve also visited the hygenist a few times and find actually going to the dentist easier now than I have in years.

However I know this tooth needs to come out and I still can’t face it. I have an appointment on Friday and in a lot of ways would like to have it removed then as I have been having a bit of toothache on and off and feel I should get it over and done with before it gets worse.

The dentist has explained that the actual time it will take to remove the tooth (obviously after numbing etc) is about 1 min – and I can just about imagine that happening – what I am having a real problem with is the after effect. I am terrified I will go into a major panic and not be able to cope. I’m also scared of how I will feel once the numbness has worn off and the fact I have been told I shouldn’t smoke (I know I shouldn’t do this anyway – but when I panic or feel anxious – it’s the first thing I do:))

So in a nutshell I'm now terrified of having a panic attack or how the heck I'm going to react if and when I eventually have the tooth taken out.

Also at some point I need an operation - and this will involve a general anesthetic and this is also worrying me.

Basically I need to find a way of allowing myself to give over control to someone else (eg dentist, surgeon) – but I don’t know how to do this – it was the fact that control was taken away from me many years ago that has caused this and I don’t know how to get over this.

Again sorry for rambling – just wondered if anyone had any advice.

Thanks for listening


13-07-05, 19:09
hello Kathy,

Welcome to the forum!! :)

Loads of us here hate the dentist (me included) and avoid going at all costs. I also have a fear of losing control due to things that have happened to me in the past. I'm not sure how to get over this fear. CBT could be a good idea..? Hope it goes well at the dentist!!

Sarah :D

"Life is too important to take seriously" Corky Siegal

13-07-05, 19:21
Hi Kathyrn,
Welcome you will find loads of helpful advice when you post any problems that you have. Have you tried any form of relaxation tapes or cd's they could help you to relax about the dentist thing.
Take Care

13-07-05, 20:00
Hi Kathryn

Welcome to the site.

If you've been lurking for a while you may already have seen these

Day of Doom - Return to the Dentist II (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=4122) from one of our best loved authoresses
The dentist (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=3058)

The control thing is something that comes with panic most of the time anyway, be it control over your bodys health, control of a moving vehicle, your children etc so to have a deep rooted reason may make it all the more powerful a need.

Some of it can be changed to understanding - if we understand and trust more we are slightly more willing to hand over the controls to someone else.

Good luck for Friday.

If you have coped with previous panic attacks if you do have one - which you may not - you will also cope with that one just fine.


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

13-07-05, 20:02
Hi Kathy and welcome to the site. Well I am the same as you I have a horrible fear of dentist and don’t go at any cost. Last time I went to have two teeth removed and asked for the gel that numbs the gum before injected and the dentist assured me the needle was just like a scratch and to my surprise it was, anyway I returned 2 weeks later to have the other removed this time it was a lady who would be my regular dentist, again I asked for the gum gel and she said u r a man not a baby and the injections she gave me really hurt so that was the last visit about 2 and a half years ago. I have been on the list also to have eye surgery which really scared me I have been cancelling this for over 3 years even though I am registered blind and knew this surgery could help me get some sight back. Anyway eventually I went for the eye surgery, God knows how I got there but I did and was amazed I felt the needle a little in my eye to freeze it but thee whole thing was so easy and now I wonder why I was so scared. I had this surgery 2 weeks ago tomorrow and up to now has give me loads of sight back which I haven’t had for years. The toothache has been most days now for over a year, my mouth is in real bad shape but eye hospital said I couldn’t have any kind of dental surgery until at least 6 to 8 weeks after my eye surgery. I was so happy to get some sight back and then this darn toothache came back and spoiled it. Knowing the dentist cant do much I found a dentist who deals with anxiety patients so booked an appointment for next Monday, I know I need 2 teeth removed but shouldn’t be a big job as they are lose and very painful. I thought going to see the dentist while I know they cant do something might help me get over my fear a little and ask about gel and see if I like the dentist in place of just going when I am in agony and have to have work done. Like you we know its nothing really just in our mind and anxiety. I also think now if I could go for eye surgery after putting it off for 3 years why not do the dentists and feel better for a few mins discomfort? I try relaxation and positive suggestions for a few weeks before the surgery did help me I relaxed then told myself over and over I am not scared. (But still was lol) Before the eye surgery I was 100% sure I would die from fright or heart attack with the fright but it wasn’t near as bad when I get there as the waiting and putting it off. I even spent weeks at home doing jobs and in the garden thinking I don’t want to die and leave my wife with lots to do. We really do think stupidly when suffering anxiety and phobias. Hope you get on ok with dentist and your surgery just remembers it’s not as hard having it done as the waiting. Take care. Vernon

13-07-05, 21:15
Hi Kathy

A big warm welcome.

If it is any consolation we get a lot of dental phobics on here and most if not all have managed to get there in the end and without panic so it is possible and I am sure that you will cope too.

There is a great website that may help ..


Good luck and I really hope it goes ok.


"Nearly all happiness comes into our lives through doors we don't even remember leaving open"

14-07-05, 07:50
Hi Kathy

Welcome to the site.

I hope all the replyies help.


14-07-05, 16:05
Hi Kathyn, you will still be fully awake and able to stop the dentist if you really cant cope so you still have control in this situation. As your dentist sounds good would it be possible to take someone with you for support? They could hold you hand and if you did have a panic attack get you home ok. If you have managed to go to the hygenist you are doing really well already and hopefully will manage this. Your dentist is correct it only takes a minute, I had 4 teeth out to get a brace then a wisdom tooth out like you. It wasent sore in fact I preferred it to having a filling as its so quick and less painful.To be honest I think getting your teeth scraped and polished is worse than getting a tooth out it honestly wont be as bad as you think. About the smoking, I always have a fag first thing after the dentist the,it tastes funny cos your mouth will be a bit numb. You will probably feel more anxious now than after geeting the tooth out as you will be relieved it is over. Just try and get through Friday before you start worrying about the operation. The hospital can give you a sedative before you go down to the operating theatre which will calm your fears and relax you, try not to worry just now. good luck on Friday, shonax p.s. it might be a bit late this time but my friend always gets diazepam before flying maybe your doctor would do the same for you before the dentist?

14-07-05, 22:54
Thanks everyone for your messages - I still haven't decided what I'm going to do tomorrow - I just know I will go to the dentist and see what happens.

Will reply more fully tomorrow

Thanks again - it's good to know there are understanding people out there.

15-07-05, 03:10
Kathryn I am exactly the same.

When it comes to anything medical my bottle goes.

If possible ask if the dentist can give you sedation. I used to have it and it helped me a great deal. It means that someone must take you and bring you home. But it really helps if you can't stand the thought of being awake while they sort out your tooth.

Make sure your surgeon and your dentist know about the problems you have, and they will take good care of you.

I had my gallstones out a few months ago. And it went way better than expected. You find that once you are in there and getting it done your auto pilot kicks in and the panic takes a back seat.

good luck !

Love, light and Best wishes
Liz xxx
With hard work and determination and all the things you know.
The world is there for you to take. There's nowhere you can't go.

[:p]Scatty Eccentric & 'Poet Laureate to panic and anxiety'

19-07-05, 16:55
Firstly sorry for not posting again after last week.

The dentist visit was a disaster - arrived a couple of minutes before appointment and sat down - had decided on way there that I was going to have tooth removed - and 2 mins later nurse came out and announced they were running 20 mins late. I just couldn't face that wait so I left - felt almost disappointed.

Anyway - got home, had lunch and then got the most horrendous toothache - so called the dentist and got myself an appointment for noon today. Toothache wore off and haven't had any since.

But I did got back today and I had my wisdom tooth removed.

I think I knew that today would be the day it came out. I was very nervous but my dentist and the nurse were brilliant. When I first lay down in the chair I burst into tears, sat up and said I couldn't do it. But after a few minutes and asking a few questions I decided to give it a go - knowing in my head that even after they had numbed me I could still say no.

Anyway - lots of deep breathing and a few minutes later it was all over. For some very very odd reason I started laughing - and then cried and then just carried on laughing.

In no way at all was it painful - they used a numbing gel first and all I felt was a tiny scratch for one of the 2 injections. The extraction itself was an odd sensation and because it was an upper left tooth a little difficult to get at - but no pain at all - and as he promised over very quickly.

The numbness is almost gone now - and I have no pain - a very very minor discomfort so I will take a couple of painkillers just as a preventative measure.

The expected aftershock wasn't anything like as bad as I thought - in fact very little! On the journey home I felt a bit odd - but a mixture of "what the heck have I done" and "wow I feel positive - I DID IT"

Even managed not to have a cigarette for over 2hrs when I came out and only have a couple of puffs since.

Just keeping everything crossed that it heals well.

Just the hospital operation to go - but that is not an emergency and I know at some time in the not too distant future I will do it.

Thank you everyone for your kind and encouraging words


19-07-05, 17:49
Well done Kath for going ahead with it!! Give yourself a big pat on the back :D

"Life is too important to take seriously" Corky Siegal

19-07-05, 17:56
Well done Kathryn

Some days things are just too hard ..

You got there in the end.


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

19-07-05, 18:21
Hi Kath

Well done - big hug!

Love Piglet

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

19-07-05, 18:45

A big well done on doing it even when you cancelled it the first time.

I am so pleased it went well and not as scary as you thought.


"Nearly all happiness comes into our lives through doors we don't even remember leaving open"