View Full Version : OMG OMG !!!!! Please Help me

always scared
31-01-09, 16:40
I'm having such a panic attack right now OMG
I haven't been on here for awhile . I thought I was doing pretty good and now this
If you guys remember me you know that I fear CAncer!!!
I am so terrified right now that I have breast cancer. I can't think strait

I have these red spots on my right breast. They look like pimples or ingrown hairs or something. They will not go away. I want to google inflammatory breast cancer OMG
I don't want to google !!!!! But I know I will
Please Help me
Someone please talk me talk down from this Hell

31-01-09, 16:48

What on earth makes you think that is cancer hun? It doesn't sound anything like it to me so try not to worry. Noooooooo googling either (naughty naughty) Lol.

Try to distract yourself from thinking about it and don't keep checking either or poking and prodding because it will just irritate the area.

I'm sure you're just fine
Love Lisa

31-01-09, 16:50

My fear has always been breast cancer, so i know how any little change we notice sets alarm bells ringing. I have some small red spots on my breast - they have been there for a long time, and haven't caused any problems, and i know it is not linked to any kind of breast cancer. Please do not google, however tempting it might be, because it always ends in disaster - it just feeds our anxiety. I would imagine inflammatory breast cancer would be very painful as most inflammatory conditions are, so please don't worry about the red spots.

always scared
31-01-09, 19:46
I am sure that you don't have inflammatory breast cancer.:hugs: Apparently it's very rare and the symptoms are the whole of the breast may have redness, swelling and warmth. It doesn't say anything about any spots.:unsure: It also says the skin may appear pitted like the skin of an orange.

Other symptoms include heaviness, burning, aching, increase in breast size, tenderness, or a nipple that is inverted.

I'm okay googling that cos I was at the breast clinic last Monday and had two mammograms and an ultrasound and everything was okay - my lump was a cyst.:)

Oh Dear God your post just put on foot in the grave. I know for sure that I'm dying of Breast cancer now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

That one breast is bigger OMG OMG I'm going to dye It's also lumpy and bumpy with a pit or indent in it OMG OMG OMG I always thought it was just fat lump saggy breast. But now I know it's breast CANCER !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It has to be to late now to go to the doctors cause it's been this way for a long time now minus the red spots/pimples They are new

I'm dying OMG

31-01-09, 20:54
A lot of women have one breast bigger than the other so please don't panic - it's very very rare so I'm sure you don't have it. My breasts also are lumpy - its very common. Go to your doctor and I'm sure he will put your mind at rest for you.:hugs:

31-01-09, 21:14
I deleted my above message - I'm sorry if I scared you more I was just trying to help. I'm sure it isn't what you think it is.:hugs:

31-01-09, 21:31
its always best to get checked by dr if concerned just to put your mind at rest nut it sounds like good old hormones making them feel lumpy mine is same atm and has been for weeks

31-01-09, 21:41
Deep breaths, always scared.

When I've got into a panic about an illness, I've sometimes managed to calm myself down by asking: what difference will it make to me to panic at this point? If I'm convinced that I've got something, then I've got it and panicking and running around with my hands in the air is not going to make the slightest, tiniest bit of difference to having it or not. Then I start to calm down and realise that I don't have it. And neither do you.

Think about this: if you had serious, agressive cancer, would you have had it "for ages"? Would you able to carry on with your day-to-day life if it really was an agressive inflammatory cancer that had been there since the spots or indenting appeared? No. Lots of difference benign or mild conditions might cause the symptoms that you can see.

Go to the doctor, find out what it is, get reassurance and calm down.

01-02-09, 06:06
Oh Dear God your post just put on foot in the grave. I know for sure that I'm dying of Breast cancer now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

That one breast is bigger OMG OMG I'm going to dye It's also lumpy and bumpy with a pit or indent in it OMG OMG OMG I always thought it was just fat lump saggy breast. But now I know it's breast CANCER !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It has to be to late now to go to the doctors cause it's been this way for a long time now minus the red spots/pimples They are new

I'm dying OMG

Most people have one breast bigger than another. For many, many years my nipples use to dry out and become brown. I use to remove the dead 'skin' and it was only when I started putting Vaseline on them and wearing a looser bra did they improve One of mine is bigger than the other and always has been.

No one has perfectly formed breasts unless they have been air brushed

You do not have breast cancer so calm down and I know you cannot help saying you are dying from it but look at Kylie Minogue she had the op and she is fantastic again. Someone I know had it when she was 21 and she is in her eighties now.

If you have had a blemish for many years it is not going to be an aggressive sort of anything. Forget them.:)