View Full Version : Musicians/DJs - Gig Anxiety?!?

31-01-09, 17:33
As you can probably tell by my username I'm a DJ (and musician). Just wondered how many other folk get really bad anxiety about gigs? Just being the centre of attention and everything really bugs me out. DJ gigs can often be worse than gigs with my band because they're so much longer (up to 6 hours sometimes). It's not that I worry about something going wrong because I'm experienced enough not to worry about that stuff. It's just simply being the centre of attention can really build the panic up.
Thing is, my band are starting to do pretty well and we're being offered record deals etc. Obviously there's a lot of gigging that goes along with that and we're talking about touring later this year. How on earth am I gonna pull that one off?!? I act as producer/songwriter for our band so I figured I could take a Brian Wilson role and just work in the studio but I'd really like to be able to play live as "that's what it's all about" etc...

What do people think then?


31-01-09, 20:09
Hey dude, yeh totally know where you are coming from on this one, up until recently i was actually in a band that was doing pretty well for itself too, and although i suffer from social anxiety a fair bit, not confident talking to people etc...i used to really look forward to getting up on stage and playing, cos i wouldnt have to interact, i could just focus on playing the drums. But then things started getting bigger for the band, started selling out london shows, and panic began to kick in as i felt more pressure at the gigs - i'd get really sweaty hands which would just make me grip the sticks too hard and get cramps - then id go to the next gig worrying that id get sweaty hands, which made me panic and more nervous, making hands even sweatier, it got to the stage where i was making mistakes that were noticable (big time). The band got offered some big support shows around the country, and i just kind of buckled, started having panics in practice and everything, as much it it gutted me i had to go and let the band go out and do that tour with a different drummer.

Im just thinking, this probably isnt the positive inspirational answer that you were looking for, but similarly even though the band is continuing and again looking at contracts etc..As of recently im helping out with song writing, as i used to be pretty involved with it all, drum parts, arrangement ideas etc...I guess i have just come to realise that at this stage of my life, until i feel more like i used to and overcome my anxiety and depression issues, that im not up to being put out there in the centre of attention. It doesnt mean to say that this will be the case for you, because hopefully for you, your anxiety won't be as broad as mine - and to be honest with you, getting that panic/adrenalin buzz is normal to some extent for anyone who gets up there and performs, if you can just always look at it positively like it is there to help you find the energy and concentration to perform, just embrace it and don't worry about it, then you could be all good. Also as with anything the more you do of this kind of the thing, the better it is at proving that you can do it - don't let the anxiety make you start avoiding doing any of it if you can! Just to add aswell, i am a self taught drummer with bad technique and naturally sweaty hands - add some nerves to that and its a bad concoction, hopefullly you will still be able to play your instrument without dropping sticks etc....

Anyway all the best dude, want to chat anytime just give us a shout.

02-02-09, 15:14
Yeah. Gigs are really bad for anxiety. About the worst thing for me. I used to play like 3 a week but now even 1 is a bit too much. Dunno. Not a lot that can be done about that one for now I guess.
I think I'm just gonna build up my confidence slowly but I had a bit of a setback the other night from drinking too much and still don't feel myself.
Anxiety sucks!

02-02-09, 15:31
hi dudes
i played in bands in the early 80s(bass player) until i stopped playing live in 1994,i used to have stage fright in reverse,i would be utterly consumed with fear until i actually got on stage,then it was heaven.i now run a recording studio business in the north west of england having used every penny i earned from playing to set it up and we are very successful.all i want to say is good luck and,however you can do it DO IT!!! i never dreamed id get to here but i have. www.shiresheadstudio.com (http://www.shiresheadstudio.com) (site being updated atm,still accessible but with crap pictures)
wishing you all the best ade

04-02-09, 12:10
Nice studio. That building looks lovely.

05-02-09, 14:35
What, are you trying to sell me some or something? I'm not gonna bite.

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