View Full Version : really bad attacks...

31-01-09, 21:20
Hey everybody, I've missed talking to you all greatly :( and here's how things have been going on...

I have had a nervous breakdown over christmas and new year, as my gran hasn't been very well lately, she had a stroke before christmas and she's been recovering. Since then though my health has rapidly decreased and I'm feeling more and more depressed and being sick, I keep thinking she will die and she has been the reason I'm still here to this day. How can I get rid of this feeling? PLEASE HELP ME! She is the closest thing to me, and is like a mother to me. If I ever lose my gran I would think I would go with her, I love her to bits.


31-01-09, 21:30
Sorry to hear youve been having a tough time hun.

You say your Gran is recovering and Im sure she will continue to do so - sounds like she means the world to you.

Hoping you are over the worst :hugs:

31-01-09, 22:43
So sorry that you are going through an anxious time...I hope that your Gran makes a good recovery and that you feel better soon. Your gran would want you to be well...she must think of you as you do of her, so try to stay strong for both of you. I do know how feel, I was closer to my Gran than to anyone else. Hoping youfeel better soon and that your gran continues to improve.