View Full Version : brain shakes

13-07-05, 20:40
does anybody get these brain shakes its like your eyes and brain feel like there shaking for a few seconds ,is this a type of dizziness or hould i be worried

13-07-05, 22:05
Shaking is very common. Often if you stand very quietly and do a yoga pose of trying to be a tree for 5 mins, it passes and you realize you're not actually dizzy , its just a sensation rather than really being dizzy.


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17-07-05, 20:45
Hi hanna
yes i get this i feel like i cant hold my head up still and it feels like its shaking inside...X

17-07-05, 21:01
Yes I get this too. You look at something and it feels like your eyes are shaking slightly. Its better now, but last week it was perticularly bad. I think it's due to tension in your neck muscles, as when it was at its worse my neck would actually twitch and cause my head to move in turn - making my vision 'shake'.