View Full Version : Black Mole! Worry :(

01-02-09, 17:36
hi all, i am 20year old male and i have this mole with its realy dark brown would class as black about 6inche's under my left nipple,i had it for about 3 years and dint really bother me unitl now.it seems to av grown bigger then it was,it was about the size of the end of a ball point on the end ov a pen really tiny.now its a bit bigger!!.i did get sunburnt really bad about 6 years ago on hoilday.i have fair hair,skin and blue eyes witch people say people who have that are more at risk,this makes me think its cancer even more!! i have been to see 3 GP's about it and every one ov them says it fine.but if it gets bigger than a pencil eraser then come back! i personaly think its gettin bigger! why carnt they remove it now instead ov waiting to see if it turns to cancer??? i am worried sick i carnt eat,sleep or think stright its constantly on my mind!! i suffer from anexity which makes things worse!!! how can i get them to remove it now?? please help!:weep: :weep: :weep:

01-02-09, 19:17
You could probably get it removed privately, if you paid for it yourself. Clearly the doctors that have examined you can see that the mole is normal and so won't refer you for a removal on the NHS.

I've had moles that I've been worried about but they've all turned out to be fine so far. A plastic surgeon who was looking at a mole on my face once said to me "moles are allowed to change". He meant that changes in moles don't have to mean cancer.

Try to accept that there is nothing wrong with your mole at present. If you're willing to get it removed by paying privately, and you think that will stop you worrying, then it might be worth it.

01-02-09, 19:22
There is a very useful guide about skin cancers
Look at the area - measure it.
Look at the border - is it waggly edged
Look at the colour - what colour is it.
Look at the diameter - what size is it.

Now mark the size on a piece of paper, draw it , colour it and then the diameter make a note of all these things. Put the bit of paper away for 3 days. Get it out and get someone else to look as well.
If the area has spread by half again, if the border has changed and is raised, if the colour has increased by twice, and if the diameter is now more than 5mm. See a Dr. If not stop worrying yourself.


01-02-09, 19:25
leebec, i completely understand. speaking as someone witha ton of moles that i worry about constantly, i think that you might want to take leebee's advice and get it removed if you can, solely for your peace of mind. i am heading to the derm tomorrow to show her a few moles that i'm worried about and even if she isn't worried about them, i think i am still going ot ask her to remove them. i don't think you can put a price on peace of mind!! it sounds like your doctors are not concerned, but if it is going to take that load off your mind, you want to look into getting it out so you never have worry about it again. good luck and hope all goes well!

02-02-09, 01:19
i previously posted on another thread that one of my issues was skin cancer. i have a mole on the top of my back which after getting bad sunburn seemed to get bigger. i was hysterical, went to my doctor bt said it was fine, try nt to worry x

02-02-09, 07:41
hi all, i try not to worry but having aniexty aswell makes things ten times worse!. another thing that bothers me it that it never used to be ther this mole.so it makes me think even more!:mad: thanks for the replys:yesyes: