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View Full Version : Weaning Off Fluoxetine (Prozac)

Purple Fish
01-02-09, 17:36
Hi there, :)

I am currently being weaned off Fluoxetine by my doctor after having been on 20mg a day for the last two years. My anxiety has improved a great deal and I can safely say it is down to the Fluoxetine. Also I have never suffered any side effects from it! :D
Just wondered if anyone has been weaned off the same medication as me. I am currently taking 20mg a day, Monday to Friday then nothing Saturday and Sunday. I have been fine and funnily enough I find that I seem to be better on the days that I don`t take the medication! :yesyes: Anyone else found this? :shrug:

Tanya xx :winks:

01-02-09, 19:18
I have a deep seated belief when it comes to the taking of 'drugs' & even vitamins such as this. When you need to take them - you remember - when you no longer need them you forget. I like you was on them for about 2 years, I used to forget to take them at weekends, then I started to forget on other days until I was taking just 1 on a wednesday, the day I was teaching! I pushed all the capsules out of the pop packet and hid them away, but had a small brown plastic bottle of 'ginger capsules' that I took instead - I found I started to forget them as well. My GP laughed when I told him, and actually agreed with my reasoning. I had one relapse about ten months ago but did not take any of them I just held them in my hand - I knew it would take to long to get them into my system & I do not expect I needed them. I wish you well.

Purple Fish
01-02-09, 19:22

Thanks for your reply. I see what you mean. I chose which two days I wouldn`t take my pills and I thought the weekend as it`s when I tend to be most relaxed. I will keep doing what my doctor has said as I trust him and will see what happens.

Tanya xx :hugs: