View Full Version : Finger problem

01-02-09, 21:42
Hi please could you help? My husband thinks I'm being silly (of course), because I've annoyed him enough with my fingers, but can I ask, is it normal that the fourth finger of your hand (the one closest to the little finger) is weaker than the middle finger (the tall one).
Basically when I rest my wrists on the desk (like when typing) and press that finger on the desk while keeping it straight (but leaving the others loose), the knuckle sticks out. It doesn't seem to do that when I do it with the other fingers.
I don't even know if I can describe it properly but do you know what I mean?
Does anyone get this? It happens on both hands.

01-02-09, 22:42

For me this is normal and its strange that you should mention the typing. Just last week I was typing and reasting my hand the same way when that finger started to shake. Even when I rested my hand it took a while to settle. I think it is to do with the typing and probably not noticing the pressure put on that finger. Both that finger and the little finger on my hand feel weaker than the others.

All the best


01-02-09, 22:45
yes same for me! Not worried about it though (yippee!)

02-02-09, 10:15
Ah thank you, I was more worried about it last night than this morning, and luckily my husband showed me that there's a lot less strength in that ring finger than even in the little finger, even for him (I think he was secretly fed up but didn't show it too much.),but he did say:
"Surely you realize that this is your anxiety and not a problem with your actual finger don't you?
Me: .... well, at the moment... no :blush:
This morning I do see it though.

02-02-09, 14:49
I can relate. My wife is sick of me asking things too. I think we search too much. I was sitting this morning analysing my feet when I noticed the vein on my left ankle looked a bit big so I asked to see my wife's ankle. She just rolled her eyes so I didn't ask again.

All the best


02-02-09, 20:48
Ah ah!!!!! Your post made me LAUGH Nechtan!! I'm so pleased I'm not the only one like that!! Well, when I say pleased, you know what I mean.
Actually my cousin is like it too, and his partner is always so fed up, he said that the best way to deal with him (he's gay) is to say: "You've got a lump in your neck? Yeah yeah is most probably a tumour or something."
I don't know I think that would infuriate me. My husband sees that I'm really trying to fight it so to speak. (it's been going on for a good 8 years now, but getting a lot better, last time I went to the doctor was last week but I hadn't been for about 10 months, and even then I wasn't really that worried about anything sinister, I was really proud of myself).
So he tries to encourage me bless him.
The funniest thing is when I make him do movements, to see if he's got the same as me, then we both laugh and it all become more lighthearted. :yesyes: