View Full Version : Grateful newbie

02-02-09, 05:24
Hello. My name is Zoe and I although I haven't been formally diagnosed I suffer from anxiety. I had my first full blown panic attack last week and I am still completely out of sorts. I am crying as I write this b/c I am terrified of having to go through one of those again.
The attack was triggered by stress related to work and a business road trip my boyfriend was going on in two days (he has to drive long distances at all hours and I am petrified of him getting in an accident) Now I am feeling a bit lost and hopeless b/c none of the external reasons my attack happened will change, I am the one that has to change and I have no idea how. I know I need help and more than anything I need support from people that understand how I feel. It really is difficult to find sympathetic people when you suffer from a condition that most see as silly and pointless, it really makes me feel lonely.
I've always been somewhat of an anxious person and my biggest trigger is fear of loosing a loved one. The first time I remember feeling anxiety was when I was 7. My dad used to go to work very early in the morning and I remember being scared that he would get murdered in front of our house so I would get up at five in the morning and watch him from my window, which overlooked the garage and just wait till he got in the car and was safe. I remember once he realized I was doing this he started looking up and wave at me. This went on for what feels likes a year. After this I remember being repeatedly worried about my parents and brother dying and now my boyfriend of three years has become my new focus. He tries to understand me but i don't think he really grasps how horrible I feel on a daily basis and really, who in their right mind would?
Sometimes I look back at what could have triggered this behavior and I can think of two events that somewhat justify my fears. When I was about 6 my grandfather was burglarized and shot to death in his grocery store. I don't remember much about that actually except the phone call when my mom found out and a few days later going to the funeral. I think that's the moment when I decided the world was a dangerous place. The second event in my life is when my grandmother was diagnosed with brain cancer, it was just so fast, she got sick and a few months later she was on her deathbed. At the time I had been getting very close to her, I had been as a child but my relationship with her was growing even closer. I felt robbed when she left, it was impossibly hard to accept her death.
So here I am now in this forum pouring my feelings out b/c i don't know what else I can do with them. It is actually a bit calming to write it down and know that some of you might understand. So hello again and thank you for taking the time to read my story. -Zoe

02-02-09, 11:41
Hi Zoe

Welcome along to NMP :flowers:

You will get lots of advice and support here. Lovely to meet you.


02-02-09, 13:30
Hi and a big welcome to NMP its great to have you here, hope to see you in chat sometime,

Take care

Emma xxx

05-02-09, 20:59
Hi Zoe, :)

:welcome: to NMP. It's great that you've joined. There is so much information & help here.

Best wishes :flowers:

05-02-09, 21:46
Hi Zoe

Welcome to the site, I think you will get some good advice and support on here.

Take care


Vanilla Sky
05-02-09, 22:14
Hi zoe and welcome to NMP, hope you find it as helpful as i have, maybe see you in chat sometime love paige x

05-02-09, 23:07
Hi Zoe and welcome to NMP

I am so please you have found us as you will find so much advice, support and information here. You are with people who know how anxiety feels.

Look forward to getting to know you, chat is a great place to make new friends.


06-02-09, 16:19
Hi Zoe,

Welcome to NMP. Many here will understand how you are feeling and you will get support.

Take care,
