View Full Version : Uregnt answers...

02-02-09, 05:47
I have looked in the meds section and read some good/not so good stuff but what I want to know is what, if any meds people with HA take and if it helps. (Also if you have OCD with it even better!) I am asking cuz I go back to the shrink on tuesday and am only taking as needed Ativan now, which is OK but really only helps me get a good nights sleep. Not much daytime help and things have gotten really bad for me!! I tried Celexa for one dose and had a HORRIBLE night on it, bad insomnia, increaded panic attacks, (and I never had true panic attacks before, just really bad anxiety) ice cold feeling, horrible headache, and the list can go on. The doc said to absolutely not take it another night. I would really like to try something to help me, but I am SO SCARED!!! I have a little on and work full time with kids so I need to be 100% all the time. Cant have the zombie thing going on. Also, to add onto it, this is a new shrink I am gonna go to since mine changed hours and there is no way I can get into him anymore.. Please let me know ASAP what you do in the meds dept. THANKS!!!!!!!!

02-02-09, 11:42
Hi, Didn't want to leave your thread unanswered.

What worked for me was citalopram, it completely turned my life round, I was having panic attack and used to take ages to get off to sleep then aake shortly afte in panic.

I took them and they did take a few weeks to work, and at first I felt slightly worse before I was better, but managed to gain control of my life, work part time and manage to raise my son.

Hope it helped and good luck tomorrow

02-02-09, 13:58
You can try Lexapro, it is a fairly new one but the side effects are less than the average antidepressant. Good luck to you.

02-02-09, 14:29
On Amitriptyline. Haven't had any bad effects and although I have a pretty bad sleep problem due to anxiety anyway, this seems to help and certainly doesn't make it worse. Used to be on Doxepin and they were even better, but stopped the strength that I took s and Dr didn't want to increase it so changed to Amitriptyline. the Dr will know best what anti-depressant will suit you..... different in every case and I'm sure that you will find one that works well and thst works well with you too! Take care