View Full Version : am i really here or in a dream????? help

paula 86
02-02-09, 10:25
hi every1 im new on here was just wondrin if any1 has ever experienced this regular thing i go thru or am i just completly loosin the plot?????
a few months ago i was in bed an d dreamin, quite scary thiings, i breathed a sigh of relief wen i THOUGHT id woke up, i was actually still dreamin n keep seein scary things in my dream, wen i finally did wake up i could not realise that i had i woke my husband up and had 2 get him 2 keep reasurrin me that i was awake, i had the biggest panic attack ever which lasted 4 hours, i was so bad i even got hubby 2 stay of work n take me 2 docs. i just kept thinkin i was gona c sumit scary, it was so awful. im such a worrier n i have this overwhelming fear that im goin mad, its all i think about, i constantly question how im feelin n keep lookin 4 wee symptoms that might indicate the start of maddness. now sumtimes 4 a split second il think I WONDER IF IM REALLY HERE OR AM ACTUALLY DREAMING?????? this is just sum of the stuff i experience theres a lot more but i wud b here all day explainin my crazy mind.:weep:

02-02-09, 10:33
Im no expert on the subject at all, but from what i have read and have been told, the more you think that you are going Mad and the more that you are aware of it, the less likely it is that you are actually going mad. It just sounds to me like anxiety is taking over your body and making everything seem surreal. Like derealisation. I haven't experienced the dream thing to that extent but i have certainly had many days where it feels like i have been going mad/losing the plot/wondering around just in my thoughts and not in the moment. I have no idea what you already know about anxiety and panic, but you will be able to learn lots about it here and hopefully learn not to let it scare you - as thats when it is most powerful. I hope this is of some help. Good luck with it and if you have other concerns etc...don't feel shy to air them on here - a lot of people have a lot of good advice and will know what you are going through :)

02-02-09, 10:40
I agree with what Ryan has just told you and would like to add this link which i found. I put depersonalisation into search (top of page) and got many posts like yours someone who suffers like you said this site helped.
Hi there, I have suffered with this on and off for 3 years now. I have had it before too and it always goes completely but here is a link to an article that tells you about it and it may take the fear out of it for you. I know it has helped me.
http://www.anxietynomore.co.uk/deper...alisation.html (http://www.anxietynomore.co.uk/depersonalisation_and_derealisation.html)

This is the 2nd time I have posted this link today. I dont mind if it helps people because I know just how this feels.
Also try reading "anxiety" and "symptoms" in the Main Menu, left of this screen - loads of help in there.
Best wishes

PS- there is a poll running mestys is asking how many people suffer this problem.