View Full Version : bleeding gums

02-02-09, 13:37
Hi, I get bleeding gums alot, just wondering if its linked to heart disease? i think it is? im freaking out now because iv had bleeding gums since a year ago, i get chest pains from time to time, oh my god! im convinced there is something wrong! im trying hard not to google but hard not to. please help! a very worried person. Im only 28 and dont smoke, used to dont now. Im the right weight i think, well im not overweight put it that way so i think surely not but you never know!:weep:

02-02-09, 15:20
Have you been to a dental check-up lately to see if there is any gum disease? Or have you been to a dental hygienist? My gums bleed every now and then, but its nothing serious and I use a battery operated toothbrush which helps keep the gums healthy. I would certainly ask a dentist first and I doubt very much whether the bleeding is due to heart problems. Let us know how you get on:)

02-02-09, 15:26
Have never heard of bleeding gums being linked to heart disease. Many people have bleeding gums for reasons of dental health etc. The dentist will reassure you. Please don't Google....doesn't do any good.

02-02-09, 19:24
Bleeding gums are indicative of gingivitis. You have to have your teeth cleaned whenever the dentist feels it's necessary and in between do excellent home care, proper flossing and anything you can to make sure that plaque doesn't build up.

What you are hearing about re:heart disease is the connection between periodontal disease and heart disease and yes, there is a connection. If you don't work on the gingivitis, it can turn into major gum infection. The mouth and gums are a pathway to our whole system and can eventually affect the heart.

Don't worry now but you are lucky to have a warning and start taking perfect care of your gums, massage them, clean your teeth after every meal. Get some good advice from your dentist or hygienist regarding proper care. I wish I had heeded this when I was younger because I wound up with a lot of gum problems. Now my mouth is always squeaky clean but the pockets and bone loss has done its damage so start young! And please don't worry about heart trouble...do what you can diet wise for that starting now...no or very little saturated fat and no transfat, get to a good weight, aerobic exercise.

03-02-09, 07:44
Thanks everyone, i have been to the dentist. I do have gun disease but im trying to sort it and hopefully get rid of it. Thanks again:D