View Full Version : Heart Pain?? Very Scared

02-02-09, 16:20
Hey everyone,
I went to the doctors again once again because I think Im about to have a heart attack (im not was the diagnosis!), but trying to reassure me the doctor said remember heart pains come durring activity and rarley just when sitting down or in bed (when I get them a lot), yet since this ive noticed that when im out walking, excercising and at work I do get left chest pains in my left side and my ribs as well as the matching arm pains even though im not out of breath, so im now scared this is my heart which is aching. Some one once told me if you pt pressure on your muscle when feeling this pain and it hurts its just muscle tension, does anyone know if this is true? Im driving myself insane and ive not gone into work today because I dont want to walk there and have a heart attck! Does anyone else get this?


02-02-09, 18:00
Hey Sheltoes,
I have similar problems to yourself.
I was told the same by the doctor at A&E. If you have chest pain and press down on the area of pain, if it hurts,it is muscle tension.
I know how you're feeling but try to relax a little....
If I find out more I'll message you!

take care

Adam Thompson
02-02-09, 22:51
this in my main anx worry. i have had this for two years, 3 hospital visits all clear. i too get them at rest, but recently noticed them come on when i do sumthin like walking or move around, see its just hard to know whether its because im thinking myself into having these pains on exertion or maybe there really angina, or maybe they are real but not heart related. i really dunno anymore, i just think ive had this off and on for two years and im still here but then again ive never pushed myself exercise wise in that time as om too scared to even tho exercise is supposed to be one of the best ways to deal with anxiety. see thing is doc cant explain the pains and thats what really annoys me.

02-02-09, 23:09
Sorry to hear that you are feeling so down about this right now. I am sure that your GP is right and you are rightly so feeling anxious at the moment.

02-02-09, 23:17

The main thing is that you have been checked out and given the all clear. You need to have faith in this. Remember, that because of your anxiety over this you will be super sensitive to every pain and twinge in your body and put it down to you heart.

I stopped exercising beause I was getting pains in my chest and arms etc. Had all the checks to give me the all clear but was still not convinced.
To cut along story short I now exercise and still get the pains on rare moments but have not yet dropped down dead - and why - because it is anxiety. My doctor's were right.

As it is for you.

03-02-09, 01:04
I get so scared when that happens too. I get palpitations, left chest tightness, shortness of breath, pain down my arm and jaw pain. I have had all kinds of heart work ups and things. I think I might die. I have been to specialists and they have all told me that my heart is structurally sound. My GP is the one who told me it was anxiety. I didnt believe it till I went on citalopram and occasionally take alprazolam when it happens and it goes away. I have had fewer palps since being on citalopram and when I get them bad and shake and worry about death, I take an alprazalom. I guess she was right, because I havent dropped dead yet either. I have even started exercising and have lost some weight. You will be ok.

03-02-09, 17:13
After my Dad died of a heart attack I really thought for nearly 10 years off and on that every pain I had was the start of a heart attack. At first I actually had the pain and the more I thought about it, the other symptoms would start, like pins and needles etc in the left arm. A few nights I was convinced I was going to die and my wife actually thought I was having a heart attack.

Over time I have realised it was / is my mind causing this as I excersise hard and I couldn't do that with a dodgy ticker.

Remember it is your mind causing this not your heart.