View Full Version : Feeling sick and heavy head anyone?

02-02-09, 19:09
For four weeks I have had a sore eye (which I still have) one course of anti biotics haven't worked and the doc have put me on amoxillen now (for an alledged sinus prob) but I am not congested at all.

My head feels really heavy and I have a sicky feeling in my stomach which is worse when I get nervous because I keep thinking I have a tumor and it scares me senseless.

I rang NHS direct and they scared me even more. The sore eye started at the start of the year, I had an eye test and my vision was perfect. I then went back to doc, complaining of eye prob, because it was sore and I am not having it's just "anxiety". He looked through my eye with that scope thing they use and said my eyes both look fine behind, but I am still worried sick thinking something sinnister is happening and the fact I now feel sick is making it worse.

I feel really heavy headed, which I have had a long time ago, but I had a bad virus that kept me in bed two weeks, this time I feel like I am able to get around but my head is contantly heavy and makes me feel sick, especially when I think about tumors. I am terrified, I can't even think straight.

I am now on more anti biotics, but I doubt they'll work. I seen a couple of docs (because my doc is on holiday) one said I have an infection, the other said I didn't and didn't need anti biotics. Now i'm on tablets I may not need and that scares me. Anti biotics aren't good for you are they, infact I heard you shouldn't really have them unless you really really need them. I don't know if I do because my docs aren't giving me consistant information. He even said today "what do you want? a scan? it'll take weeks but I'll refer you if that is what you want".

I feel really stupid and depressed.

01-03-09, 18:00
i know you posted this about a month ago, but did you ever get any answers? did it go away? ive got the same things on one side of my head and really painful eye

04-03-09, 00:00

04-03-09, 01:03
Sorry jadey i noticed your waiting for a reply from this post...but unfortunately this was posted by vickid whose now banned so i doubt if there would be an update of her condition hun unless someone who knows her might be able to tell you.
Take care and i hope your better soon

04-03-09, 18:44
oh LOL didnt know but thanks for that lesley xx

05-03-09, 22:27
For what it's worth, VickiD sounded like she had simply scared herself to death -- the heavy head sounds like either migraine symptoms or severe stress headache. A stress headache is different to, and in some ways worse than, a "normal" headache, cos the symptoms are more severe and only ibuprofen seems able to shift it.

Also, she said she's suffered from a virus, and the recovery time can take WEEKS -- the human body is massively resilient and it will heal damage, it just takes a while when you've been really ill.

Finally, the doctors said she was fine, there was nothing wrong, so that closes the deal. I hope Vickid finally came to terms with this, and anyone else reading this who's been through something similar will find some comfort in it too.