View Full Version : twitching

02-02-09, 19:38
Hi, haven't been on for a while but having a really bad panic. I've been having twitches, particularly in my arms, mainly the left arm. Stupidly I know I googled it and of course MND came up. Now I am convinced, been trying to see if the strength in my arms is different etc. Need some support.

02-02-09, 19:54
Twitching is what started my anxiety. I thought it was related to my heart since it feels like a pulse. I've had twitching in my face, legs, breasts (yeah...), butt, arms...it's nothing. It's totally harmless. It gets worst the more you think of it.

02-02-09, 20:14
Hi Coco, my name is Fin and although I have been an avid reader of many of the posts on NMP and found the whole site extremely helpful this is the first post I have made so apologies if you think I am hijacking it. I started presenting with the same symptoms last year and was convinced I had something very wrong with me. Ended up getting pretty much every test done including an MRI scan which came back clear. With no diagnosis I stupidly started off googling in the hospital on Patientline with the inevitible conequences. I was convinced I had MSA and despite the reassurance from the doctors I was still convincd that they had missed something. Because I had never been aware of my HA on a conscious level it took a long time as well as a course of meds to break what had morphed into an obsession before things started to improve. But improve they did and although the twitching is not completely gone it is certainly much better now and I can see this. As I already stated apologies for hijacking your post but the parallels were spooky. The strength in my arms/shoulders was also something that I used to(still do to some extent) fixate on to the point where I was out in my garage lifting dumbells every night to convince myself that I wasn't experiencing atrophy. If you have previous history of HA then bet your bottom dollar that is what is causing your twitching. What what I have read it is one of the most common symptoms of anxiety although like you I did find it extremely disconcerting, especially when it was focussed in one place and was fairly visible. I remember one night I watched one muscle in my arm twitch for 2 hours. It scared the crap out of me, however I now know that this is a classic ROTM anxiety symptom and nothing to be afraid of. I hope this has helped and I hope the panic subsides soon. Do you have a wee fit? I found the yoga very useful in calming me down as well as helping to give my muscles something else to think about.
All the best

02-02-09, 22:03
Hiya im a twitcher too....mainly my neck and left shoulder. I googled that (and another symptom i had) about 6 weeks ago and became very obsessed that i had CJD

....not MND/ALS however, i never worried about that even though ive been learning about it at university the last few weeks. Its a very rare condition affects something ike 1 in 10,000 people (thats 0.0001%).

03-02-09, 14:53
Thankyou to the 2 replies, went to the Dr's today who of course put me at ease and was very helpful as to how to move forward. I am normally a reasonably intelligent woman, but I get myself in such a panic. It's seems its been a long while since my body felt completetly calm and content with myself.

Fin, yes we do have a Wii and I shall give that a go, I think I will also re join the gym (left 9 months ago) and get my body working form me.

Thanks again


03-02-09, 16:22
I twitch too. I was reassured by my GP and so I just put up with it. When I start getting anxious about the twitches, i play back the words in my heard that the doctor said to reassure me. And I feel a little better.

The less anxious I am the less the twitch so I kind of use it as a check to see how I am, crazy isnt it the things we do.