View Full Version : Juggling DR/DP

03-02-09, 02:35
Hey, recently I've thought I've been noticing my look at the world shift slightly. I know and retain connection to reality and myself, I see things in normal vision, I do not question why I am here or my existence, and I still see people for people, but there is a couple things that are concerning me. First, it seems that when I look around (especially tired) my eyes strafe more than before, staring forwards.. for instance if I looked up to down, my eyes would feel like they are staring forwards as they are dropping, not just looking down (I'm very sorry if this is non-nonsensical). It almost seems to me there is a brightness to a room that makes it harder to focus in.

That condition is the MAIN one, and is the cause of distress. I notice it is much worse when tired, and when high (yes I smoke pot) and when I am more awake I seem refocused and clearer. The next concern I have is on top of this eye problem, it seems it is hard to emotionally connect to people, mind you I have always been a quieter kid.

Basically, I read these conditions on the internet, and while it seems I may have the "sensory fog" aspect and maybe a disconnetion from people, but otherwise I am fine. It does not cause stress in my life, other than NOW that I think I have this permanent and stressful condition. I've stopped using psychadelics and am cuttign back to stop weed with the regained respect for a clear mindstate I have come to respect.

Is DR and DP something that you will REALLY know when you have it? It seems my symptoms are light enough to be the byproduct of lack of sleep (Im 16 and sleep sometimes 6 hrs a night for great lengths) and stress. I don't want to by a hypochondriac and think I am affected by all these weird illnesses, I just really want a pure and real life. So please, can anyone put my mind to ease and explain to me DP / DR or give me their take on if I have it? Like I said, it seems nowhere near as debilitating or scary as other's experiences, It is just a concern and nuisance in my life right now, and a concern because of past drug use that I am putting behind me, a new leaf if you will. And I will note the feeling is similar to being high, but obviously not desirable when you are just continuing with daily activities.

So sorry for the long post, I wanted to be as detailed and forward as possible, and those who suffer are the only ones I feel I can ask. And I could just feel guilty of my drug use and THINK I have done damage when in reality I'm the exact same worrying about nothing.

Specifically, do my symptoms seem DP/DR? If they are, does it go away in time, or is this a life problem? Also experiences may help put my mind at ease. Thank you so much.
