View Full Version : panic/anxiety/feeling ill

03-02-09, 10:09
hi to you all. my name is lisa im 31 have 2 kids and a lovely partner who has stuck by me through everythng. i just feel really ill all the time like im goin to die i live in constant fear of illnesses and think im just gonna stop breathing any time. i have been to a&e so many times always at doctors with some thing different wrong with me i ache and have pain every day headache. pain in chest. pain in jaw. pain in arms hands and face. legs and back feeling constantly dizzy feel sick blood pressure up and down it can be 165/90 one min then go down to 80/60 and lower the nxt my heart rate is all over the place like 120bpm then 45bpm im so confused with it all i have had blood tests done ecg they came bk ok but hospital want me to see a cordio doctor i just live in fear everyday my kids see me ill and getting rushed in to hospital its not fair i used to be so happy very out going and have fun that has all changed i dont like bein on my own i dont like going out im just so scared im goin to have a heart attack or get cancer i always thnk about bad thngs happening to me and my loved ones i could go on writing but i just wanted to give u little bit bout me and my life. well if thats what u can call it. plz let me know if anyone ekse feels the same symptoms as me. x

Purple Fish
03-02-09, 13:11
Hey beaut,

You`ve come to the right place! I`ve been through the same as you and mine started only 2 years ago! I`m virtually back to normal now and currently being weaned off my meds.
I asume you have spoken to your doctor about exactly how you feel and if they offer you help I would take it even in the form of medication. I felt a bit of a failure when I succumbed to Fluoxetine (Prozac) but I`m so glad I did as it has given me my life back.
I no longer worry about my health which is the biggest thing and I actually look forward to things and can`t wait to plan what I`m going to do next!
Try looking around this site there is so much support on here!

Take care xx :hugs:

03-02-09, 14:01
Hi Lisa

Yes I have been there along with the multiple trips to hospital. It is anxiety and all of the symptoms you describe I can identify with. The only thing I can say is believe that you are not going to die and just attempt to calm down and relax. things wiil settle but will take time, at least 8 weeks for those nerves to calm. Just use acceptance and try some guided meditation CDs.

You wil be better in the future, get somethink to distract your mind and just let time pass.

All the best

03-02-09, 14:28
hi there thnx for posting back i have sufferd this for more than 4 years now but i still thnk i am goin to get really ill

03-02-09, 14:30
thanx for ur reply its nice to no im not the only one with all these symptoms. ppl tell u oh u will b ok and u will get through it but even when docs tell me im ok i dont believe them because i feel so ill all the time there is always somethng wrong with me each and everyday

03-02-09, 16:37
Hi lisa, i'm 33 with 2 kids and i have suffered from health anxiety since i was a child, so i really know what you are going through. If you fancy a chat at any time just pm me xxx

03-02-09, 20:07
Hi and a big welcome to NMP its great to have you here, hope to see you in chat sometime,

Take care

Emma xxx

03-02-09, 20:54
Hi and:welcome: to NMP, pleased you found us. I'm sure you will like it here as there is so much advice, information and support.Please remeber you are never feel alone.

chat is fun too and a great place to make new friends:biggrin:

03-02-09, 21:15

Welcome to the site, I think you will find many people on here who understand how you are feeling and you will get some good advice and support.

Take care


04-02-09, 08:30
Hi lisa, i'm 33 with 2 kids and i have suffered from health anxiety since i was a child, so i really know what you are going through. If you fancy a chat at any time just pm me xxx
hi indigo how do i pm u i new to all this