View Full Version : worry worry worry

03-02-09, 11:38
hi everyone. im 31 and my life is so up and down i feel like i cant live do things i want to do or anythng my symptoms are. chest pain/tightness/heavy feeling. headaches. stomache problems. pain in arms legs hands. shortness of breath. feelin sick. feeling dizzy. blood pressure up down 120/90 80/55 heart rate fast slow 120bpm 45 bpm i am always goin to hospital and doctors with fear im dying i have 2 kids and i am very depressed over it all i just want to cry and am angry all the time. i have had blood tests done and ecgs came bk ok but i wtill fear im dying off some illness or heart attack it has taken over my life i have been gettin pains in my left shoulder blade just under neith it there is like a knot or summit i just dont no but the slightest little pain ii get is all ways summit serious with me what can i do plz help
and i keep goin cold then hot does anyone get the same or am i going mad or do i have an illness

03-02-09, 11:59
That's great that your ecg and blood tests came ok.
All the symptoms that you mention can be caused by anxiety, but it was good that you got them checked out first just to be sure.
You're not alone with those symptoms and I guess even the doctors telling you you are fine doesn't always help,but it is GOOD news in it's own way. :)
Fear of dieing/illness is very common. You certainly are not alone.

all the best


03-02-09, 21:48

As has already been mentioned, the fact that you have been checked over by your GP and the hopspital and given the all clear is good. I think you should perhaps ask your GP if there is someone you can be referred to for CBT or the likes. It will help put your mind at ease. Even just talking something like this over with a friend may help to ease your worries, because that is what they are. Remember, anxiety won't kill you and you don't have anything more sinister than that.

04-02-09, 17:15

I know exactly what you are going through I have had all the same symptomms i will start at my
Shooting head pains, headaches and neck pain and eye problems.
Have just had 2nd MRI of neck and head in 3 years 1st one was clear but because i am convinced something horrendous is wrong due to symptoms I have had for months my GP referred me back to my neurologist and he allowed me to have the MRI to put my mind at rest.
Thought i had MS/Brain Tumor
Still wiating on current results but consultant thinks 99% nothing.
Actual illness-None-Anxiety related.

Heart: Pains in chest daily ectopic heartbeats:
4 24hr tapes - Numerous ECG's - 5 maybe more ER visits with fast heart rate and ectopics. Overnight stay in hospital. Heart scan chest xray and consultant.
Thought I had heart failure/problem dangerous arrythmia etc.
Actual illness: None....benign PVC's due to anxiety.

Endiscope due to stomach pain.
Terrible acid indigestion.
Constant Nausea.
Thought I had Cancer.

Actual Illness - None

And so I could go on.

It is amazing hopw we can worry ourselves into thinkling we are so ill.

I have a handle on most things now but still find it difficult to accept that pains and palpitations can be part of the bodies normal daily cycle.

Just thought I would show you that like others on here you are not alone and not every pain or symptom results in illness.

hope it helped a little.


Deepest Blue
04-02-09, 17:23
Aww Lisa:hugs:

I have a lot of your symptoms too and it's just your body not coping with what's happening to you and how you're feeling. We are here to support you so keep posting how you feel and hopefully this will help ease some of your anxiety.

I didn't see in your post if you were taking any medication or not, perhaps something to help you like Propranolol may be of use as this drug is supposed to control your physical symptoms, that's what I've been taking.

Take Care

05-02-09, 11:20

I know exactly what you are going through I have had all the same symptomms i will start at my
Shooting head pains, headaches and neck pain and eye problems.
Have just had 2nd MRI of neck and head in 3 years 1st one was clear but because i am convinced something horrendous is wrong due to symptoms I have had for months my GP referred me back to my neurologist and he allowed me to have the MRI to put my mind at rest.
Thought i had MS/Brain Tumor
Still wiating on current results but consultant thinks 99% nothing.
Actual illness-None-Anxiety related.

Heart: Pains in chest daily ectopic heartbeats:
4 24hr tapes - Numerous ECG's - 5 maybe more ER visits with fast heart rate and ectopics. Overnight stay in hospital. Heart scan chest xray and consultant.
Thought I had heart failure/problem dangerous arrythmia etc.
Actual illness: None....benign PVC's due to anxiety.

Endiscope due to stomach pain.
Terrible acid indigestion.
Constant Nausea.
Thought I had Cancer.

Actual Illness - None

And so I could go on.

It is amazing hopw we can worry ourselves into thinkling we are so ill.

I have a handle on most things now but still find it difficult to accept that pains and palpitations can be part of the bodies normal daily cycle.

Just thought I would show you that like others on here you are not alone and not every pain or symptom results in illness.

hope it helped a little.

What a reasuring post:ohmy: I have just posted elsewhere describing similar feelings/sensations:blush: The problem is THEY ARE SO REAL:mad:
It is soooooooo hard to believe that it is all in our minds:ohmy: :ohmy: :ohmy:
I am just terrified at the moment and yet the rational side of my brain keeps arguing - anxiety anxiety stop worrying BUT I find it hard to believe:weep:
Best wishes

05-02-09, 19:18
hi everyone thx for writing bk. im not on any meds because they made me have really bad side effects i was really ill with them so i have got to c cordio doctor because ecgs have came bk abnormal beats and fast and slow heart rate

05-02-09, 19:22
hi sorry your feeling like this but not all meds have bad side effects im affraid its trial and error with them as im sure many on here know but theres always one that works hopefully im going to dr wednesday to get mine changed but to be honest way i feel atm anything is worth a go
good luck

05-02-09, 19:29
Hi all, is anyone here now for a chat? Ahh i feel like my life is being ruled by this and im only 18! cant even concentrate on my A Levels anymore! I've got into university and am supposed to be going in September but one thing is stopping me - anxiety! ive always been a worrier but a few months ago i suffered a sinus infection and it seemed never ending and seemed to turn into loads of different things! my main anxiety is over my health and that there is something wrong alllllll the time, every little feeling to me is something BAD! i know im pushing everyone away because all i do is go on and on about it and i'm not the person i used to be but i cant help it at all and just want someone to talk to who is in the same boat. chat anyone?
jade x

05-02-09, 19:32
im about always if wanna chat just pm me same for lisa aswellxx