View Full Version : Shortness Of Breath!!

14-07-05, 11:46
Does anyone else here feel like they are really short of breath alot almost all the time but are not wheezing or anything and other people dont think your out of breath but you feel very short of breath like i do.
I feel like im gagging for air and being suffocated all day and night i wish this feeling would go, would an hours intensive exercise everyday really help this or any suggestons what would make it feel better quickly?
I keep worrying about blood clots and stuff but ust hope its anxiety!

14-07-05, 12:18

I would recommend that you try 30 mins of aerobic exercise a day. This should regulate your breathing and after a while will prove to you that there is nothing wrong with your lungs or heart.

Start off slowly if you haven't exercised for a while - do a 30-min walk each day, but build this up to a 30-min run or some other aerobic exercise at the gym if possible. The idea is to raise your heart-rate and your general fitness so that these sensations no longer bother you or scare you.


*** I think, therefore I'm anxious ***

14-07-05, 12:43
Thanks gareth i do keep worrying about blood clots or whether im going to die or that something is wrong with my lungs, i hope aerobice exercise will help i dont want to keep feeling like this.

How about if i do 30 situps and pushups a day and some walking and alittle running?

I do around 30-60 mins walking per day but it never seems to help at all probably because walking is not intensive enough to have an effect dont know whether thats right or wrong?

14-07-05, 12:51

I think the key thing is that you want to get your heart rate up. So while walking is fine, you will never get your heart rate up to a "training level", i.e. a level where blood is really pumping.

So I would say that running, situps and pushups, cycling machine, rowing machine at the gym etc are all good.

The idea is that not only will you feel better physically, but you will also be more psychologically in tune with your body, and any little harmless twinges that you feel (that everyone gets) won't affect you because you will be more connected with your body and know what is going on.

Its also about proof. If after a few weeks of pushing yourself to run, and you haven't keeled over with heart or lung problems, this is more proof to yourself that you are physically OK, and therefore great medicine for your anxiety.

However, sticking to a regime is very hard work. I have been going to the gym 3-4 times a week, and really you should do a little bit of something daily. I really do believe that the results are well worth the effort though - exercise is a brilliant medicine for many things.


*** I think, therefore I'm anxious ***

14-07-05, 14:40
hi andrew,
i can DEFINETLY relate to the out of breath ive been like that for weeks esp in the mornings ,it has eased off a bit now though but,saying that the hot weather seems to make me out of breath, it will gradually ease off ,i found taking my mind off it worked for me,if you go to the general anxiety section and read my post on" im back" you will see what i mean
take care
luv sue

14-07-05, 14:46
andrew can i just add that if you read all my posts since 6th july you will see im the same

14-07-05, 16:17
AD - as well as the exercise routine which Gareth has been helping you with which is great for anxiety and strengthening your heart and lungs also try controlled breathing exercises..

How Do You Do The Breathing (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=4042)
Breathing.. wow (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=4037)
Breathing Techniques (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=4044)

Singing is also a good reassurence . If you can keep pace with the singers breaths - you're fine.


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

15-07-05, 21:36
i start to feel out of breath in the evening, normally i can cope with it but this evening it happened at my mother in laws house, we had gone there for tea, and i couldnt cope, ended up in a full blown panic attack, which is still happening now, chest pains, pounding heart, gurgly tum and going to the loo, etc.
i wish it would end! goodness knows what brings it on, why would i suddenly start to feel as though i cant breath? had a checkup today at docs and everything fine! he says that i can start to come off beta blockers if i want too. what is going on? feel guilty that i am not there for my husband and kids - not good.