View Full Version : Cystoscopy Decision

03-02-09, 15:12
This posting is more in the nature of an announcement than a question - which sounds horribly arrogant! It's just I feel I can "talk" to you guys bettr than to my OH whose patience is begining to wear thin, my dear mother who is 86 & panics more than I do or my friends who are great but can't understand like you!:hugs:
In the last 12 months I have had three little bits of blood in my wee which I thought nothing of at the time as they were isolated incidents - I reckoned they were period "spottings", I'm coming up to the menopause & my periods are going haywire! [I don't think it was related to a infection as I had no pain.] However, I went to the doctor in Nov 08 [panicing about something quite unrelated], mentioned this & he immediately said he must do a urine test for cancer. Immediate collapse of me! He did a blood test on my wee there & then and could get no reaction from any occult blood but still sent the sample to the hospital - results came back normal. Great celebration.
BUT! I went to see him about another different thing last week & he said he wanted to do another test as he still wasn't happy [HE wasn't happy!?] So I sent another sample off and am currently waiting for more results.
I'm afraid I google'd "Bladder Cancer Tests Accuracy" & found these test aren't terrible accurate so I've decided when I see him to get my results to ask for a cystoscopy no matter what the urine test results say. I just want to know one way or another!
Does anyone know how long you generally have to wait to see a urologist? If it's a long time, I've got a sort of second divison private health plan which can get me an initial consultation privately, I think.
I feel better already having rambled on & got my thoughts down. Any comment etc would be most appreciated!

03-02-09, 15:45
If you've got a private health plan then you shouldn't have to wait too long at all. It all depends how urgent your doctor thinks it is I suppose if it's on NHS.

It's good that you've got the option of private if needed. I hope you get some answers soon.

03-02-09, 19:05
You will find out how long the wait is if your Dr can do the instant choose and book on the computer at your appt so you can then decide.

I think I replied to your first post about the occult blood but don't worry too much about it as I have leaky kidneys that are perfectly healthy they just have big filters so i lose microsopic traces of blood and protein etc all the time. My life has been hell since those dreaded dip stick tsts and I had to have intravenious pyelogram ( 25 yrs ago) and have had kidney ultrasounds etc. I have to go into long explanations at routine checks and if ever I end up in A&E and they never believe me. 5 yrs ago I was sent to urologist and he said these dipstick tests are the bane of his life as they give lots of false positives becasue they are so senstive and he said the time to see him is if I get visiible blood in urine that cannot be explained away.

Saying all that I totally agree with you that seeing a urologist and getting the camera up the whatsit:roflmao: will put your mind at rest