View Full Version : Sudden onslaught of Heart Palps & weird fluttering

14-07-05, 12:17
Hello all, some advice please if you are able?

Been taking Losec for three weeks which are working well, no tummy pain or discomfort now. Got BP down to an average of 126/76 and pulse ave 88 (taken three times a day for a week) however for the past three days I have been experiencing lots of heart palps, strage beats and flutterings.

I have had palps before but NEVER more than once in a day and never three days running. I am desperately tring not to panic however am now getting concerned, I don't want to start going backwards now. I feel as if there is a butterfly in my heart (if that makes sense) it feels fine then all of a sudden I catch my breath and feel either fast beats, flutterings or hard beats.

My questions are can this be a side effect of Losec? or do you think taking my BP three times a day for a week has upset my heart rhythem?

Any advice greatly appreciated, I am obviously worrying about it as my tummy has been gurgling away today which it has not done for weeks.

Many thanks...Angie

14-07-05, 14:15
I have had the fluttering,palpatations for longer than a few days. It does feel like it is taking my breath. I have read a quite a few posts on the same. Mine - the more I watch for them and the more I fear them, the more they are there.
Losing fear of them is the best way. When you feel them breath through them,(this works for me).
The reason why we fear them as we relate them to other problems we have in our minds.
My husband gets them never mentions them and they go away. Never would he think it was something with his heart. I get them and auto pilot takes over and I am panicky because I have diagnosed myself with a bunch of things.
Our thoughts and our minds are strong. If you were reading a passage in a book with pictures and showed a big piece of lemon and a large description of it on a hot day , your taste buds will actually water, such like our minds, we picture something bad and our heart and minds go off.

Hope your fluttering ends soons,
Good Luck.


14-07-05, 14:31
hi angie,
i also have what feels like a butterfly in my chest, ive had it for years,on and off, i am used to them now so i dont get them so much, the way i look at it is,they arent nothing to worry about otherwise i wouldnt be here now, hope ive been some help, its nice to know your not alone in these horrible symptoms
take care
luv sue:)

14-07-05, 16:26
**or do you think taking my BP three times a day for a week has upset my heart rhythem?** Absolutely not.

** can this be a side effect of Losec?** Unlikely

Great news on the BP. You can take it less often now.

I think you should have a cough and ignore them , just as you did before.

Wine still stopped ?


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

14-07-05, 16:38
Hi Angie, I really understand how concerning this can be. ( I am writing this assuming your GP has advised that your flutterings etc are anxiety related.) I too suffer long runs of missed beats, flutterings, hard beats etc they are horrible. I sometimes 'zoom' in on them and can actually feel the panic rising inside me. I also have, on many an occasion recently, noticed them but haven't given them any 'foothold' in my thoughts except - 'There it is again, that horrible feeling, I've had it before and it passed and so it will again' . Easier said than done I know but it does work.
Example - Think of 'yawning'[Sigh...] - you didn't need to Yawn before you read this but now I have suggested you have a good long 'yawn' you will! I am yawning just writing this! Now, in a few moments your mind will wander to something different eg What will I have for tea tonight and straight away your mind is off Yawning and onto a new thought! See how easy it is to suggest something to your mind? What about that 'foot?' those toes on your right foot need a good stretch don't they? Now you are thinking I don't need to stretch them they're fine - but you do..... just think how cramped and hot they have been today...... Go on stretch them out...... But you didn't need to before you read this and now ...... you have probably stretched them..... Do you see my point? Suggest something and even if it's not true/needed/necessary you can take it on board and believe it. Occupy your mind with something different and your thought pattern changes. :)
When you feel those flutters, missed beats, hard beats think - Lots of people have this sensation for long runs (Days - Weeks) and my GP is not concerned so I refuse to be pre-occupied with them. My BP and pulse are normal - I am a fit and healthy person. Then occupy your mind with something not body related! Sorry to waffle - I always do!!!!! [8D]
Love Dawn x

14-07-05, 17:08
Hiya all and thank you for the posts, very grateful.

I hear you Meg!!!!!!

Yes still doing well booze wise, in three weeks I have had two small glasses of wine and two small shandies - not bad for a girl that was drinking a bottle of wine a day [:O]

Tummy seems much better but anxiety still makes it gurgle and ache ( as today when I wound myself up about the palps), only one more week on them then I guess we will see how it goes. However I am going on holiday for two weeks in the week that they finish, I am toying with teh idea of asking the quacks for another course to see me over my hols, I would hate for it to return during my hols ... what do you think?

14-07-05, 17:24
Yes, think 2 months would be prudent as you were very irritated inside.

Are you having a endoscopy in the end or not ?


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

14-07-05, 17:30
Thank you Dizzyd, we must have been posting together, your comments were greatly appreciated.

Meg - NOT if I can help it, let them stick something down my throat no chance [}:)]

If I am still suffering, I will agree to the Barium Swallow, in my head though I just want it to be better, I have changed my diet, lost weight, lowered my BP, increased my exercise - surely it has got to meet me half way now [Sigh...]

14-07-05, 17:39
Yes I expect it will be enough Angie. You've done really well. The reduction in alcohol will really be helping significantly

You're not taking much in the way of Ibroprofen etc now are you ?

I couldn't remember if it had already been arranged.


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

14-07-05, 19:29
Hiya again Meg (and co)

Nothing has passed my lips for three weeks, just one 20mg losec a day, no parcetamol, no rennies, no gaviscon ...nothing. Only very rarely now do I feel my tummy, the gnawing pain in my chest and back has all but gone, in fact today is the first time I have felt it in ages and it is certainly not severe, I would not consider taking anything else for it.

I am generally feeling really well and sleeping like never before, I close my eyes and the next thing I know the alarm is sounding...bliss.
I have lost 1st 9lbs in three months too, so that is making me feel better, just bought two new pairs of Levis to celebrate. Making myself relax more, just got back from having a picnic tea by the river with the kids while they fished - so seriously respecting relaxing now.

So as long as this tummy is not anything serious, as long as these heart palps and flutters deminish (have not had another one since I posted here!!!!!!) I would say that (touch wood) things are pretty much back to normal in my camp, there is pretty much nowhere that I can't tackle alone using all of teh tricks that I have learnt and more often than not I don't need them now anyway.

So thanks all (especially you Meg, you must get so fed up everytime I winge on about some new sympton that obviously going to finish me off!!!)

There really is life after actute panic anxiety...I promise [^]