View Full Version : Reiki for Health Anxiety?

03-02-09, 16:45
Any HA sufferers tried Reiki?

I'm having a bad time of it just now and have been reading up on reiki. Its £30 per session and they recommend at least 3 sessions which to me is a lot of money although well worth it if its likely to help me.

03-02-09, 16:46
I am not sure that Reiki will help HA to be honest. Did you read that it can help somewhere?

03-02-09, 16:52
I read that it can help relieve stress, tension and anxiety but not specifically health anxiety.

I do feel really tense and I'm sure thats why I get muscle spasms and pains so would probably help for that side of things.

Are you aware of any therapy that specifically helps HA? Any advice greatly appreciated :)

03-02-09, 16:57
Yes it is good for stress, tension and anxiety. I have had it in the past this is why I asked the question.

The recommended therapy for HA is CBT which you will need a referral for from your doctor unless you go private.