View Full Version : Celiac worry, home test

03-02-09, 17:49
I've convinced myself I've got celiac disease rather than IBS and have just bought myself a home test. I seem to have a lot of the symptoms including painful joints, just wondering if anyone else has done one of these home tests or has celiac that could give me some more info. The test won't be with me for a couple of days so won't know if it shows anything yet.

03-02-09, 18:58
The home test is 99% accurate so do do it to put your mind at rest - I did it and it was so easy and of course negative. My cousin has celiac disease and her test was positive - she then went on to have an endoscopy so they can take a sample and confirm the blood test result. One thing is that I know 3 people with the disease and they all had no symptoms of it whatsoever other than they started to get aneamic and deficient in vit B12 etc and that rang alarm bells with the Dr's who did the blood tests first.

I have to say that they all cope very well with their gluten free diets and are fit and well.

06-02-09, 10:41
Thanks very much for the reply. The test hasn't arrived yet but as soon as it does I'll be doing it. I know I won't have the endoscopy though if the test results show something up (can't have it due to my emetophobia). I'd just take it as being gluten intolerant and cut it out