View Full Version : Hi, I'm new

03-02-09, 19:15
I am new here. I have recently realised I am suffering with anxiety. I have had problems with depression and bingeing before but that has been fixed by doing the Radiant Recovery plan. However since I got pregnant with my (surprise!) 4th baby a few years ago I have been having new problems. I also developed asthma and a sensitivity to wheat. Seems like I have gone to pot!

I've come here as I'd like to get to know other people who are dealing with this. My most immediate concern is feelings of excessive hunger. I have always needed to be careful how I eat due to wobbly blood sugar, but until I had my son that was stabilised by doing Radiant Recovery. But now I seem to need to eat more and more, I thought it was because anxiety was making me burn up more fuel but now sometimes even soon after eating I have what feels exactly like hunger pangs. I wonder if worrying about my blood sugar dropping could be triggering hunger pangs when I don't really need to eat. Anyway, I need to do something about it, I had lost 3 stone of the weight I gained from my bingeing days but am now putting it back on again, grrrrr. I don't know, it isn't the same as an anxious churning tummy. Anyway there is probably a more appropriate place to ask about that so I'll stop blathering about it now!

I've had an MOT at the docs and she says there's nothing physically wrong with me. I have lost a lot of my confidence after being at home with the kids for 14 years and finding it really hard. Not helped by marital problems, my husband is a total coper (or at least thinks he is) and kept telling me there was something wrong with me because I found it hard (my babies were all non-sleeping, crying alot babies). I feel like I took on board what he said. Once he told me "You are one of those people who just can't cope with life". Well now it's come true!!! We are much better now and going to Relate but I still can't shake the chaos that seems to have come into my life ever since I saw those two blue lines in summer 2004.

I just want to get back to where I was before that. We'd just moved to a lovely new house and new town, I was slim and happy and looking forward to the future..... and my husband's business is struggling now and that means when my son starts school in Sept I have to get a job, I have to be able to cope with it or we might lose the house...... <scream>!

Some symptoms:
ongoing adrenaliny anxious feeling
worrying about health
ongoing feeling that something bad is about to happen and worrying that i won't be able to cope with it or that I will have to suffer (I have this feeling I can't bear any kind of pain)
aches and pains
irritability and tearfulness
fast heartbeat, sometimes it thumps in my chest
feeling of lump in throat

I think all those are anxiety unlike the other stuff I have been dealing with- wheezing, congestion in nose and ears causing travel sick nauseous feeling (I assume due to affecting my balance, this was proved by doctor as he could see my ear drums bulging due to my eustachian tubes being blocked by inflammation)- fixed by going off dairy, and heartburn and stomach tenderness and waking up every hour at night- fixed by going off wheat!

It all feels like a bit too much to deal with sometimes. My son is fabulous and the children are all doing great and things are much better with dh, but as for me, I am still struggling to get back on track. I have worked so ahrd and found a lot of things that have helped like the food changes I mentioned, but seem to have ground to a halt. I have an online CBT thing to do but so far it hasn't helped, I just keep disagreeing with it LOL!

03-02-09, 20:05
Hi and a big welcome to NMP its great to have you here, hope to see you in chat sometime,

Take care

Emma xxx

03-02-09, 20:59
Hi and:welcome: to NMP, pleased you found us. I'm sure you will like it here as there is so much advice, information and support.Please remeber you are never feel alone.

chat is fun too and a great place to make new friends:biggrin:

03-02-09, 21:09

Welcome to the site I think you will find many nice people on here who understand what you are feeling and I think you will get lots of good advice and support.

Take care
