View Full Version : heart attack fears

03-02-09, 21:12
OMG im to young to have one, im only 14 for crist sake :scared15: :wacko: i really think im gonna have one, keep gettign bad chest pains and shortbreath, maybe its panic attack but very littel ones, or its near heart attack, im so sick of this... mum wont take me to pyschistrist but i want sorting out, this is takign over my life.

03-02-09, 21:30
Some one please reasure me :(:weep: :weep: :weep:

03-02-09, 21:40
Hi hun. :)

You're not having a heart attack, promise. The symptoms we get when we are really anxious can lead to panic and that's what is happening to you right now.
Have you been to see your doctor?

03-02-09, 21:41
yer i have but all she does it put tht stephoscope thing on my chest, and says "everythings fine" but somewhere in my mind i thin kshes lying

03-02-09, 21:45
Ok, I know how hard it is to believe that there is nothing wrong when you feel so ill.
I haven't read your other posts yet, I wanted to respond quickly cos I could see how scared you are. Has this happned to you before?

03-02-09, 21:57
I've had a quick peek at your other posts. :)

It's all a heck of a lot to cope with at your age but it isn't uncommon for teenagers to develop anxiety issues and to seek help for them.
Maybe if your mum agrees you can go back to the doctor and ask for a referral to the Child Psychology service, I believe they help young people up to the age of 18.
I don't know the exact situation with your parents but try and remember that they probably don't know what to do for the best. I'm a mum and I remember thinking that one of my kids was being a bit of a "drama-queen", she always seemed to want attention for one thing or another and I had a hard time coping with her.
It's a very difficult thing for a parent to admit that there might be a psychological problem with their child so try and keep calm with your mum if you can.

04-02-09, 08:25
i to fear of heart attacks and always go to a&e to get checked. u should always get chest pain checked out people say ur to young for that but it can happen. i dont think u are tho u are a bit young but tell ur mom how ur felling and get her to take u to doctor or a&e to just b on safe side it will put ur mind and rest but i get chest pain every day and shortness of breath so just tell someone hope i helped. let me know how u get on

04-02-09, 21:13
Thanks guys, youve really reasured me, atm ive just pulled my groin by playing football and it absouluty kills :blush: , oh yer btw does anyelse tend to get that sharp pain on the side of there head?