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View Full Version : always feelin ill?

03-02-09, 22:27
hi ive had anxiety and depression for abt 8 yrs now.
for the last 5 yrs there hasnt been a day where i havnt felt phyisically ill.
these seem to come in short episodes of illness lasting between 1-5 hrs somtimes a couple of times a day.
now i have had every test under the sun and apart from neuropathy in my legs n feet the doctors assure me im healthy physically, maybe abit unfit.
now these episodes happen whether or not i feel anxiousor depressed at the time. thats why there so confusing.
if i felt beta physically i feel i may have a decent chance of gettin beta but as i dnt i feel bury in this hell.

ive done a poll just to see what the numbers are like of ppl who feel the same

if u do the poll thanx alot

03-02-09, 23:23
Yes I think it is nervous exhaustion. I can't remember the last time I felt refreshed and vitalised.

All the best


Deepest Blue
03-02-09, 23:44
I seem to feel exhausted a lot too and my energy seems low. I know I don't sleep that well anyway so that doesn't help.

06-02-09, 14:12
When you say you are ill everyday, what type of symptoms do you get? I have been ill everyday for the last 6 months with headaches, dizziness, nausea. I also get those frightening head zaps that are like sudden shocks which can last up til a minute and make me dizzy. I also feel faint most days too. Do you get any of this??

06-02-09, 14:29

I also feel ill all the time and recently went back to my doctors. I cannot remember when I last felt 100% well and constantly have episodes of illness that knock me off my feet for 4-5 days at a time and prevent me going to work. It is usually Flu like symptoms (sore throat, light headedness etc). My doctor has told me that I am physically well and it is a symptom of my depression and anxiety. Does anybody know any more about this?? I also feel constantly exhausted!

eternally optimistic
06-02-09, 20:57





chicken licken
16-02-09, 12:58
I agree with it being nervous exhaustion, but how to stop it I am clueless.
I cant remember what feeling ok feels like, theres always somthing wrong with me, some symptom, from a headache to sickness to stomach churning to chill, ear ache ... you name it and thats apart from the usual panic symptoms.
Im always tired or lacking motivation.
very frustrating :)

17-02-09, 12:42
Thought it was just me. I have gad and I feel ill all day everyday. I feel nauseaous all the time, ache all over, have constant diegestive problems, feel completely exhausted etc. My Dr has done all the usual blood tests to see if I'm aneamic but they all came back normal (tested thyroid, liver function, kidney function, iron levels etc). She says it's down to my anxiety but even if it is that doesn't help me have a normal life knowing why it is. Have tried Citalopram and Mirtazapine with no effect so don't know what to do anymore

17-02-09, 18:51
Same here, there's not one day where I can say I feel nothing. There's always something bothering me. Dizziness, nausea, weakness, feeling like in a bubble, lack of energy. The problem with me is that as soon as I open my eyes in the morning I start analyzing every part of my body to see if I feel something....and to no surprise there's always something wrong, the more I dwell on it the worse I feel. I'm at that point were I'm even embarassed to tell my husband that I don't feel well. Its seems that its always the same story day after day.....Fed up with it.


18-02-09, 21:57
not a day goes by when i don't feel unwell for some reason or another...cannot describe what i feel just know that its not right/i don't feel well!

20-02-09, 09:07
I really can't remember the last time I felt well. Sorry to see so many of us have grown used to feeling awful.

20-02-09, 09:40
When you say you are ill everyday, what type of symptoms do you get? I have been ill everyday for the last 6 months with headaches, dizziness, nausea. I also get those frightening head zaps that are like sudden shocks which can last up til a minute and make me dizzy. I also feel faint most days too. Do you get any of this??

I get all of these everyday,
i have done for the last year

sue x

20-02-09, 09:46
Its the nausea and the dizziness i hate the most
every f***ing day !
it would be great if just one day i could wake up and be
all refreshed and happy !

20-02-09, 09:48
I really can't remember the last time I felt well. Sorry to see so many of us have grown used to feeling awful.

your right we do get used to it,i think i'd die of shock
if i woke up one day and felt o.k x:ohmy:

20-02-09, 10:12
I feel unwell every single day of my life..
Headaches, dizziness, exhaustion, back/arm/shoulder pains and sinus pains. I LOOK ill. I have terrible black circles under my eyes despite sleeping/eating and drinking what i should.

Today for example, i had a good 7-8 hours sleep, i am NOT feeling in the slightest anxious or panicky, yet i am unwell. I am SO tired, i have 3 massive ulcers in my mouth, i am knackered and my head hurts. I feel sick and i've had enough.

20-02-09, 13:27
i'm just so tired all the time x

20-02-09, 13:59
when im ill its always weird headpains,head zaps,throat tightness and that awful nervous feeling you get in your stomach i can go a few days without the symptoms but they always come back full force and i always get new symptoms which scare me and send me running to the docs i just hate feeling like this

20-02-09, 17:34
What's worse for me is that I look fine. :shrug:
Even after a sleepless night, I always seem to look fine, and family/friends find it difficult to believe how I feel inside.
I always get the 'well, you look well enough to me ' said to me.
Tell them how you feel and they find it hard to believe.
As sotonsue said, wouldn't it be nice to wake up feeling okay and go a few days running just feeling well

25-02-09, 14:52
God yes would'nt it be great to feel well even it was a few days a week it would be better than every bloody day after day, yes people don't understand or even care especially those who are well.

02-03-09, 19:50
I'm just the same really. I have the odd day where i feel fine. The problem with me is i keep going back to the dr's coz i really believe something is up with me and it's really hard for it to sink in when you actully feel the pains.

03-03-09, 14:34
· There's always something bothering me. Dizziness, nausea, weakness, feeling like in a bubble, lack of energy.
· I'm at that point where I'm even embarrassed to tell my husband that I don't feel well.
· I agree with it being nervous exhaustion, but how to stop it I am clueless.
I cant remember what feeling ok feels like, there’s always something wrong with me, some symptom, from a headache to sickness to stomach churning to chill, ear ache ... you name it and that’s apart from the usual panic symptoms.
I’m always tired or lacking motivation.
very frustrating.
· Thought it was just me. I feel ill all day everyday. I feel nauseous all the time, ache all over, have constant digestive problems, feel completely exhausted etc. My Dr has done all the usual blood tests to see if I'm anaemic but they all came back normal (tested thyroid, liver function, kidney function, iron levels etc). She says it's down to my anxiety but even if it is that doesn't help me have a normal life knowing why it is.
Thought it was just me.
I have copied these quotes out because i seriously suffer this almost every ady - it is very tiring. no one give us a good explanation what is happening to us and why.:blush:

04-03-09, 11:26
Same here, there's not one day where I can say I feel nothing. There's always something bothering me. Dizziness, nausea, weakness, feeling like in a bubble, lack of energy. The problem with me is that as soon as I open my eyes in the morning I start analyzing every part of my body to see if I feel something....and to no surprise there's always something wrong, the more I dwell on it the worse I feel. I'm at that point were I'm even embarassed to tell my husband that I don't feel well. Its seems that its always the same story day after day.....Fed up with it.

Hi daniela. gosh how our minds work, powerful things!!! I get up alone in the mornings as my boyfriend leaves the house for work when its still dark, when i do arise from my pitt the first thing i do is think how my stomach feels today, or if my head is clear as im dizzy pretty much all the time! Im so sick of telling my boyfriend everyday how this hurts, or i think im dying of this now. Ive told him to stop asking me how im feeling anymore as im never gonna say i feel great today. Just got back from doctors AGAIN he has prescribed me with citalopram and issued me a sick note for 2 more weeks off work, i have been warned off anti depressants by everyone but feel i do need that extra help, how can they understand if theyr not in that anxious state of mind like i am? They tell me to snap out of it? If it was that bloody easy then i dont think there would be a need for this site! Hope u feel a lot better soon, well i think its learning to shrug it off really, so what!! This is who we are xxx

04-03-09, 13:37
Re: Always feeliing ill

In the last ten years I can remember 1 week when I felt really well, it was wonderful. I often look around at other people and envy them, you don't realise what you have got until you lose it.

Have most of the already mentioned symptoms together with what I can only describe as heavy limbs. Arms from wrist to elbows and legs from knees to ankles feel weak and really heavy, OMG is it MS or some other neurological problem. NO it isn't it's anxiety !!!!!!! The good thing about this one is that I can breathe with it unlike some of the other symptoms that I get !!!!!!!!!!!

However, I have recently come across a book called "The Power of Now" by Eckhart Tolle which has given me glimpses of life as it used to be. It is quite hard reading but teaches you to live in "the now" which is often our problem, we live in the past and react constantly to what has gone on previously.

So I am going to read, read and read some more and will let you know the outcome!

Mistral X

06-03-09, 08:36
I've always got something bothering me, can't tell you a day when i've not been worrying about something with my health, i think this is what makes me feel so tired as it interferes with my sleep as well and makes me so depressed some days. I get the all clear for one thing then i find something else, like this gland behind my ear just wont go down just now ............:shrug:

09-03-09, 12:49
Sarah I also feel the same.. Im fed up of moaning to my fiance how tired/ill I feel.. I never say, yeah, I feel great today! Its always 'Im tired... Im ready for bed... I feel sick.. Im exhausted' Im worried hes getting fed up of hearing it!

Back to the original question, yes I do feel ill pretty much everyday. I sometimes have an ok day, where Im able to do some housework or take my son to the park, but that in itself makes me shattered! If I go out and I panic that will knock me out for about 3 days now.. where as it used to be Id take just an afternoon to recover from a panic attack.
Im ready for my bed from about 10am onwards! By 4pm Im truely exhausted.

I also have terrible aches and pains now, those have hit me in this last year, more so the last few months where I get back pains alot (everyday), pains in my legs etc.. along with the stomach pains I was getting before.. nausea.. cracking and squeeking joints!? Im now thinking I must have arthritis or some muscle wasting disease!?!?

11-03-09, 11:18
When you say you are ill everyday, what type of symptoms do you get? I have been ill everyday for the last 6 months with headaches, dizziness, nausea. I also get those frightening head zaps that are like sudden shocks which can last up til a minute and make me dizzy. I also feel faint most days too. Do you get any of this?? YES YES
I have been like this for the past few months and it is very worrying:weep:

12-03-09, 18:55
I feel unwell when I am anxious and/or depressed. I am usually ok otherwise.

20-03-09, 05:21
When you say you are ill everyday, what type of symptoms do you get? I have been ill everyday for the last 6 months with headaches, dizziness, nausea. I also get those frightening head zaps that are like sudden shocks which can last up til a minute and make me dizzy. I also feel faint most days too. Do you get any of this??

My god you are me!!!

20-03-09, 15:18
Originally Posted by MVP123 http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/images/buttons/viewpost.gif (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?p=454587#post454587)
When you say you are ill everyday, what type of symptoms do you get? I have been ill everyday for the last 6 months with headaches, dizziness, nausea. I also get those frightening head zaps that are like sudden shocks which can last up til a minute and make me dizzy. I also feel faint most days too. Do you get any of this??

My god you are me!!!
:ohmy: :ohmy: :ohmy:
This group of symptoms :weep: :weep: seems to crop up quite often on these pages - has anyone got ANY explanation for them?? Or are they to be endured as "Just our anxiety" ???:weep: :weep:

10-04-09, 10:47
:hugs: It is 5 weeks since these posts - I just wondered did any of you have some good days??:yesyes:
Unfortunately i seem to have got worse:weep:
Just feeling so panicky / edgy and all the rest.

16-04-09, 11:57
When I read these posts it is like I am reading about myself. Not a day goes by when I don't feel sick, or I have a headache, or I have an upset stomach, or it's like I am coming down with something.
When i come in from work its more than I can do to not stop myself collapsing on the sofa. I am in trouble with work from being off sick so often. I have had lots of gastroenteritis episodes, and I am so sick of being sick!
I am only 37 and I feel about 100. It so messes up my life.
I even went to BUPA and paid a fortune to have every part of me tested and was amazed to come back as being in A1 physical good health! I actually wished something had come back as being wrong so I could 'fix' it, I was banking on being diabetic or having a dodgy thyroid. But no, everything was apparantly OK. Now it is worse as when I am ill my husband tells me it is "all in my head". :-(
It makes me feel better to know I am not alone.

Sue x

17-04-09, 00:35
Hi All,

Gosh, Im so glad I read this thread and so relieved it is not just me. I have a lot of what has been mentioned most days, no, every day, to some level. I have been like this for 7 years, since starting my family really. Before that I had many years of being really well and lively, I would be out most weekends with my friends, up til all hours and still able to hold down a full time job, now I just feel like a big messy tired blob with some kind of illness symptoms all the time that worries me stupid. I have only had one spell of feeling ok and that was when I was on Citalopram, I felt about 95% of the old me again, I joined a gym and started socialising again. I have been prescribed them again and they have been sat in the cupboard since last August. I really am trying to not go down that route and trying to fight it using more natural methods but I think its got me beat so I may start them next week, really scared though as I know how bad they make me feel at first.
I hope everyone is feeling ok, my thoughts are with all of you.

17-04-09, 02:55
I don't know what to think now. I feel like crap every single day and I have chronic physical pain too. The difference is I have been diagnosed with a lot of things. I won't make the list out so not to bore everyone but not one doctor has ever said the way I feel has had anything to do with anxiety, not one! I hope we all feel better soon and can't say how sorry I am that we feel so bad physically too.

Laura xxx

25-06-09, 12:24
I too thought I could be reading about myself, the comment made about waking up and mentally checking into your body and then amazingly finding something not right is so typical of myself, I then stress all day about this illness and end up in an endless cycle of anxiety usually lasting the whole day, the days I wake up and think 'oh I feel ok today' don't last either, it doesn't take long to find something that hurts or doesn't feel right and off it goes again.
I would love a day where I didn't hurt, or ache, or feel sick and dizzy, and I too worry that my partner will get fed up, as experience has shown unless you have suffered with this condition it is impossible to know how it feels.
I do take comfort in knowing that I'm not alone.............

25-06-09, 12:50
me also all ,i wan to know why there is no cure for this debilitating illness doctors just fob us off with another tablet or refer us to someone else ,,anxiety is a world wide problem getting worse everyday ,think we should set up a charity ,so scientist can look for a cure for us ,,how many agree

25-06-09, 15:27
Phrases i loathe..'oh are you ill AGAIN?' :mad: 'yOU ARE ALWAYS ILL' :mad: WELL WE DONT CHOOSE TO FEEL SO ROTTEN ALL THE TIME DO WE!!!!And i too feel more could be done to end the misery or anxiety and all that comes with it:lac: love paddie.xxxxxxxxxxx

27-06-09, 01:08

This is my first time posting on the site. I've only just found it and so glad I did. This post is so how I have been feeling just lately. I was beginning to think I'm either seriously ill or going mad and losing the place. I've been under a lot of pressure at work and a lot of stress etc. I just feel permanently exhausted but still don't sleep too great. Feel like I'm just holding it together a lot of the time. I want to get back to the old me. Is that possible?? Just lately I've been getting twinges everywhere and these head zap things that people talk about. It is kind of comforting to realise I'm not alaone and that other people feel the same. Maybe that will help me realise it's just anxiety and not real.



02-07-09, 15:35
Feeling really bad now, after 45 min day nap.
Feel like the whole body doesnt belong to me, so weak, so tired.

This causes anxiety: maybe stroke, maybe intoxicatgion, maybe heatstroke.

Its annoying.

Thanxs only that i am not the only one... feeling ill.

09-07-09, 12:56
Hi, haven’t posted to this thread in a while, but thought I would let u guys know how I have been getting on since posting this back in Feb. Well it is now 5 months on, and I have got a bit better as I have had a few more days where I have felt ok. However what does the word OK mean, because it ‘s not the same sort of OK I used to feel back when I was normal, I think OK now means, that I don’t feel really sick or really dizzy and I have had a few days without the headaches. So even on what I class as a good day now, I still feel funny in my head and body, and wonder if this feeling will ever go away. I guess it just takes a long time, and we can’t expect a quick fix. All I can say is my symptoms are not as debilitating as they used to be, but I still have the odd panic attack where I still think there is something wrong with me. I still have sleeping tablets, which I just try to use for emergencies as at night my head is at its worst, with that funny shaky twitching feeling (anyone else get this) I guess during the day we have more to distract us so don’t notice it as much. How are the rest of you getting on a few months down the line?