View Full Version : Neck Lump - glands?

03-02-09, 22:42
Hi all :D - just want to say how pleased I am that I found this forum! I suffer badly from HA and am often googling symptoms and jumping to stupid conculsions and this forum has really helped to stop my fears spiralling out of control.

Having said that I do have one question about neck glands....:unsure:

I have noticed a firm (but not hard or rock hard at all) lump at the base of my neck, a little up from where my neck meets my shoulders. It seems to follow a little chain towards the side of the neck. Now I know my glands and know that this is the lymph chain but I am concerned as I have no pain!!! I have suffered with this gold awful cold just before xmas and have a lingering cough that I can't 100% shift but apart from that am fine. I had a tingle in my wisdom tooth and wondered if it would be that as I suffer from that from time to time.

I am a little concerned about the obvious - Lymphoma / cancer of some sort.

A few years ago I noticed a bumpy chain down my neck at the side/back of my neck and one small bean sized one at the other side - went to the docs, he said it was nothing and that I should come back to him if the glands got bigger. They didn't, years have passed and I now fiddle with them as a bit of a comfort blanket. :D

These new glands seem the same texture and everything but I have not noticed them before. I noticed them just over a week ago and wondered if this is cause for concern.:weep:

16-04-09, 21:19
Hi Stukent,

I have had very similar symtoms to yourself. I had an infected wisdom tooth and food keeps getting trapped in the part of the toothe that is impacted. I feel my neck flair up slightly and the glands on that side of my neck become tingley (as you described) I pan to get the tooth removed in the next month or so, as its been more hassle and anxiety than its worth.

I try to brush my teeth after every meal, floss and mouth wash the area to keep as clean as possible. Hope this relieves some of your anxiety.


16-04-09, 21:47
Hi Stukent
After several weeks of living in fear my CBT therapist convinced me to go to doctors to get a lump under my chin check out. It took me weeks to go and my appointment lasted two minutes. My doctor said its a harmless lymph node and some people have as many as six in their throat, neck and chin. Please dont worry too much. I have spoken to several of my friends who also have these lumps and they dont worry about them at all. I hope this has helped.:)