View Full Version : God is messing with me!

04-02-09, 00:31
Does anyone ever get that feeling that God is messing with you?

My latest concern is lymphoma - don't really know where that one came from but I was getting the better of it. That was until I discovered a lymph node in my neck that im fairly sure wasnt there before. Trigger panic stations!

You only really notice it when you tilt your head to the right. It's still quite small, soft and moveable but not sore and I havent had any infections which could explain it. And im not one to get swollen lymph nodes ever!

Thing is, I couldn't have imagined this one, Other symptoms can be caused by anxiety but not this.

I had five weeks recently of sheer bliss but this past week has been awful because of all this. Why did I have to find this, it's a total slap in the face if it ends up being nothing, but ultimately much worse if it is something.

04-02-09, 02:12
hey worryguy - i have DEFINITELY been there before. i think that little cycle happens to me once a month! it is terrible and i definitely feel for you, i know how much it sucks. the problem is, i think that is just the way our "disease", if you will, works. there are a lot of ups and downs, at least for me. for instance, i am almost euphoric when i leave a doctor's office having been given a clean bill of health - but then, either it's a slow decline back to where i was, or an idea pops in my head that maybe the doctor was wrong and missed something. so one of those two things usually happens and it's all over again for me. it's awful, isn't it? i don't have any words of wisdom b/c i am currently battling one of my "panic" sessions now. but, if it makes you feel any better, i have heard that in the case of lymphoma, your lymph nodes get MAJORLY swollen. i've never seen it but i'm pretty sure we're talking about golf ball sized lumps. i don't know for sure, but it's what i've heard. so maybe that will help you. people have told me before that minor swollen lymph nodes can be caused by the more minor things, like a breakout on your face! pretty unfair to people like us, i know :)

04-02-09, 12:28
Please try not to worry about the swollen lymph node. I had the exact same problem in the summer. I developed a swollen lymph node above my collar bone and was sure it was cancer. I even had a CT scan that showed it was swollen so I was positive that it was something horrible. My surgeon told me that 99% of adults will have swollen nodes and it means nothing. It took a couple of months for the swelling to go down. I have no idea what caused it to swell up in the first place. Anyway, my family doctor told me that some people have swollen lymph nodes for years and they're ok. So please try to relax as I'm sure it's nothing.