View Full Version : Please Help

04-02-09, 01:51
It has been a little over a month since I have had a full blown PA but lately I have had really dripping sweaty palms and really bad tension headaches that will not go away unless I take 2 excedrin for tension headaches. Since about 2 months ago I have not taken my bp meds bc I have notice that my bp has been normal around 125/80 sometimes better 117/72 . I am only 105 lbs had several test that have been ran doctors are telling me that I am healthy, heart fine (fluttering feelings in my chest area every now and then) and everything else is fine but sometimes my bp spikes up ...is this normal

I have notice that it happens when I have tension headaches, anxious (working at a fast pace, working on multiple task at one time). I really do not think that I should be on bp meds I think that it is due to my anxiety and headaches from what the doctors say being anxious or being in pain can spike bp ......please help