View Full Version : Sinus sufferers please help!

04-02-09, 11:19
Hey everyone! After a really good month of managing not to let anxiety get me down, it's knocked me off again and I'm looking for some reassurance:unsure:

I had a sinus infection during December (symptoms were forehead headaches, brow and eye pain/discomfort and some blood in nasal mucus). I was put on antib's and the pain went away but the blood lasted a few weeks longer.

I put it out of my mind until Monday night when I got a headache in the middle of my forehead and then yesterday I had pressure pain at the very top of my nose at the browline--also I noticed that when I blew my nose there were distinct spots of blood on the tissue. I noticed the blood again this morning when blowing my nose, although mixed with normal mucus today. Being a HA sufferer I used a scrunched up tissue to see where the blood was coming from and it appears to be from the very top rather than inside the nose itself. I have no head pains today although I'm dosed up on Neurofen and paracetamol which would probably knock any pain off anyway.

The thing is that this time I'd only just come off some Antib's for a UTI and so I was flummoxed that I could develop a sinus infection while already being on AB's!

I went to the doctors (after being so proud of myself for staying clear for over a month) and we discussed sinus issues and my fears of it being more serious. He explained that sometimes a sinus infection can stick around with inflamation that easily becomes infected again. He's given me a week to see if it all disappears naturally and if not I will go on more AB's and a nasal spray. If that doesn't work and the blood is still around he may look to refer me to an ENT (which scares the heck out of me).

Is blood out of the nose when blowing normal for sinus infection? If so does it depend if it's a viral or bacterial infection? Like I said, I'm seeking reaasurance from others that may have similar experiences with sinus issues--if you would be so kind as to share those with me.

However, I have to ask for no mentions/specifics of the big 'C'. I have a terrible ability to manfacture symptoms just by reading or hearing about them:weep: .

04-02-09, 11:47
Hi Helen,
I've had similar to you since late november. I've had antibiotics/sprays etc but it hasn't really cleared it up.
Mine seem to clear up a bit then come back.
I'm now taking some Betnesol drops the doctor prescribed, just started them a few days ago and they have helped.
Also steam inhalation has eased the sinuses.
You are certainly not alone with this. The doctor told me that he is seeing lots of paitients since the winter started with exactly the same sinus/upper respiratory symptoms

take care


04-02-09, 11:49
Hi Helen,
I've had similar to you since late november. I've had antibiotics/sprays etc but it hasn't really cleared it up.
Mine seem to clear up a bit then come back.
I'm now taking some Betnesol drops the doctor prescribed, just started them a few days ago and they have helped.
Also steam inhalation has eased the sinuses.
You are certainly not alone with this. The doctor told me that he is seeing lots of paitients since the winter started with exactly the same sinus/upper respiratory symptoms

take care


Thank you so much, mick! I really appreciate your reply:yesyes: . Can I just ask if you were finding blood when blowing your nose too? EDIT_ How selfish of me. I hope you sinus problems clear up very quickly, mick! *hug*

04-02-09, 12:18
Hi Helen,
Yep the inside of one nostril was really sore and it did bleed when I blew it.
I use Sterimar saline spray throughout the day and I found that that stopped the inside from getting too dry, which caused the bleeding.

Hope you start to feel better soon

take care

04-02-09, 22:13
Thank you again, Mick!:hugs:

Has anyone else been suffering with sinus issues involving small amounts of blood when blowing nose?:weep:

05-02-09, 04:57
Hi helen!

Just wanted to reassure you, the blood you see is nothing to worry about. It is only because you have been blowing your nose a lot and depending where you live, cold weather and warm radiators harm your sinuses more when you have a infection. nasal sprays such as nasonex usually make matters worse. so i suggest a netipot which has been my savior ( use rather your own mix of salt and pure water, luke warm. but measure it properly, there are directions when you buy the netipot. Already made solutions can sometimes harm your sinuses even more because of the additives in them. been testing this for years. another good one is a solution with baking soda and salt) and some type of oil drops or a-vitamin drops to moisten your nose, you should find them at the pharmacists. Have been through 2 surgeries and lived with sinus problems for over 10 years so i know what you are going through! be well!

05-02-09, 06:32
Hi helen!

Just wanted to reassure you, the blood you see is nothing to worry about. It is only because you have been blowing your nose a lot and depending where you live, cold weather and warm radiators harm your sinuses more when you have a infection. nasal sprays such as nasonex usually make matters worse. so i suggest a netipot which has been my savior ( use rather your own mix of salt and pure water, luke warm. but measure it properly, there are directions when you buy the netipot. Already made solutions can sometimes harm your sinuses even more because of the additives in them. been testing this for years. another good one is a solution with baking soda and salt) and some type of oil drops or a-vitamin drops to moisten your nose, you should find them at the pharmacists. Have been through 2 surgeries and lived with sinus problems for over 10 years so i know what you are going through! be well!

Hi Evita! Thanks so much for your post, but unfortunately I haven't been blowing my nose a lot at all.:unsure:

05-02-09, 22:53
For at last 20 years whenever i blow my nose I always get tiny bits of blood from one nostril and sometimes dried blood inside nostril. I just thought it was from a weak blood vessel inside nostril.

My friend had a really bad sinus infection a few months ago and sorry for being graphic but she said apart from the agonising cheek pain she said the stuff coming out of her nose was unbelievable - deep green and loads of blood in it. In fact she said it would suddenly pour out and was most embarrasing.

06-02-09, 13:37
I have this, I suffer with chronic sinusitis (had ct scan last year after ENT referal by GP).

I recently had a sinus infection and anti b's, soon after I had bleeding and soreness up right nostril, was told it was from blowing but I was hardly blowing. I then was told I had a nostril infection but 2 weeks later I had sinusitis bad again so was put on more antibiotics which finally cleared it but I am still suffering with abit of pain and blood at times.

Its quite normal but if the pain continues and the bleeding do try to see an ENT specialist.

06-02-09, 21:15
Thank you, Countrygirl and Aimee!:flowers: I really appreciate your posts. I woulnd't mind if I was getting sinus pain--at least then I'd know for sure.:wacko:

06-02-09, 21:38
Hello to all of you,

I am a newcomer, so I will introduce myself first.

My name is David and I post under my real name "dkatzmd". I am a Physician located in southern California and have practiced for many years.

This response is related to "Chronic Sinusitis" issues. I hope it will be helpful to all of you.

As you may know, Chronic Sinusitis is the "Darth Vader" of medicine -- and medical dilemmas. It afflicts more than 35 million people in the USA, and is oftentimes confused (or misdiagnosed) by practicing clinicians here, and abroad.

Its symptoms, and consequences, are insidious, protracted and very dibilitating (even in otherwise healthy individuals).

The most important dilemma surrounds the "ineffective" treatment usually prescribed. Let me draw an analogy to help you understand.

Think about your nasal sinuses as a "grass lawn". A grass lawn has many layers -- starting with the underlying dirt surface, followed by the grass "base" and then (finally) by the grass "leaves" and "buds" that we see on the surface of the Lawn.
If you need to "clean" or "fertilize" that Lawn -- you need to penetrate below the top surface of the visible "leaves" and "buds" in order to deliver the fertilizer. Otherwise, the Lawn withers.

Our sinuses are very similar. There is a layer of "base" epithelium tissue that covers the underlying bone structures -- and above that "base" layer of epithelium is a covering surface epithelium (the "grass leaves", so to speak).

Similar to a grass lawn, our sinuses need to be "penetrated" adequately in order to restore their delicate epithelial membranes to proper health.

Therewith is the problem!

In order to properly "aerate" sinus membranes and effectively "eradicate" the infectious organisms that have created a comfortable "home" for themselves on the outer sinus epithelium layers, you must use EFFECTIVE antibiotics for a SUFFICIENT period of time.

Although most of the antibiotics mentioned on this thread (e.g., Clindamycin, Ciproflaxin, etc.) may be systemically effective for other types of infections in the body, they do NOT reach into the sinus membranes very well (if at all)!

There is only one antibiotic that has unique capacity to "break through" the sinus membrane barrier and reach therapeutic levels in the sinus cavities to wage an effective "war" against sinus bacteria. And, in order to be effective in that "war", it must be taken for a minimum of 28 days! (Not 5, 7 or 10 days!)

The name of that antibiotic is Dicloxacillin. It is an early "spin-off" of the penicillin family -- and therefore easily forgotten by current practitioners.

But -- it works! (250 mg 4 times per day for 28-30 days!) It is also relatively inexpensive (another reason why it has been forgotten by modern day practitioners who are deluged with outrageously expensive "new" antibiotics!)

I have treated many patients with the above recommended regimen (including members of my own family) with 100% positive results (sometimes, patients require an additional 2-3 weeks of therapy -- depending on the length of time that they have suffered from chronic sinusitis).

I hope that this helps you!


06-02-09, 21:55
Dear David

I posted yesterday about outragous panic attacks that i am suffering right now with taking antibiotics for chronic sinusitis. was first given clarithro but was too hard on me so now zithromax, which is as bad. I was just wondering is there any use for me to even be on this course of zithromax (cause have heard before too that eg zithro is not usually efficient in chronic cases), and after reading your post i think that this suffering is all for nothing. And I should try to get the biotics you mentioned. Thank you!

18-02-09, 20:35
i had it in oct until december, took ages to clear up and its bloomin horrible!! was put on so many meds but if you stick with it, it does eventually improve. i used to cry every night and this was when my health anxiety began. i still from time to time get blood in my tissue so try not to worry :)

18-02-09, 20:51
Hey There

Please let me assure you hun, Two years ago (PS Ive always had health anxiety) after a family member passed away I got the worst cold EVER

Thei was then followed by six months worth of Antiobiotics and countless trips to my GP, I was eventually refereed to a ENT speciallist as my DR was convinced that I may of needed surgery my symptoms were:

Low grade dull headache almost as soon as I woke up
Loss of smell
Face Pressure
Teeth Pain
Blocked Ear feeling
Contstant stuffy nose
Blood in nasal mucus

Classic Sinus symptom, Oh hell no I was convinced I had a tumor............ The ENT speciallist explained that the Mucus Membrane (lining of nasel passage was inflammed) He gace me some nasel spray and a note of how to perform nasel irrigation.

Im not really into natural remedies as I have NEVER found anything that worked.................................however this is what you have to do

Buy a bottle With a sports cap
Buy some Baking bicorbinate soda
Sea Salt

Ok here it goes, Boil the kettle and allow water to cool, Fill bottle with likewarm water and some salt and tea spoon of soda powder. Leaning over sink insert the bottle into one nostil and let the water run free from the other and repat the process........................ I had tried everything and I SWEAR BY THIS. If you try this you will thank me hunny, I cant belive it within a week it had completly gone. I know do this everyday and never had another sinus infection sincexxxxxxx

18-02-09, 21:45
Dear Helen,
I am so sorry to hear that you are suffering with this too. I have had this problem and have been on antibiotics which did not help that much. I have had nosebleeds on and off for the last month or so, but was totally freaked out when I coughed some pinky blood up with the mucus from my sinuses. I spent a terrible tearful weekend, trawling the internet looking for answers and spoilt the lovely day my hubby had planned for me on Saturday for which I feel so guilty about!
I went back to the doctor on Monday and told him how worried I was and he seem to think the blood thing was absolutely normal and told me not to worry. I know it is daft, but I still feel anxious about this. He did not give me any pills or potions but told me to inhale steam to ease the pressure!
Hope this helps and I trust you fell much better soon.
Kindest regards Nikki. :-) x

02-03-09, 18:18
OH MY GOSH! I am so sorry. I had no idea that so many people had replied since I was last here. For some reason I didn't receive the usual notification. All I can say is that I'm very sorry if I seemed rude and THANK YOU SO MUCH for the replies. :bighug1:

I really appreciate the replies that have been posted here, also to David for his detail and expertise! Thank you!

09-03-09, 21:18
Sorry! New question:blush: and since it still relates I didn't want to start a new thread. Do any of you who suffer with sinus and nasal bleeding get it from BOTH nostrils?? I'm on an anti B cream from my docs because he says he can see some inflammation up there, but I'm worried because I'm still getting small amounts of blood in mucus from both nostrils after using it for 5 days. there is still talk of referring me to an ENT if this doesn't work and I'm trying not to freak out.:weep:

Also I'm still only getting infrequent and mild pain from sinus areas--wouldn't such a persistent infection be causing me significant pain?? After a month and more I'm struggling to keep from worrying. Any reassurance much appreciated!!

09-03-09, 21:42
Hi Helen

I have had similar problems for a long time now, been to doctors tried antibiotics and tried alsorts from the Chemist and nothing has really worked. Occassionally my nose will bleed and sometimes when I blow I get blood, I also get alot of facial pain. Try not to worry too much because alot of people I have spoken to lately have had the same thing.

I am going to try the remedy Shelley suggests and hopefully it will work.

I hope you feel better soon Helen because I know how unpleasant it makes you feel.


09-03-09, 22:00
Hi Helen

I have had similar problems for a long time now, been to doctors tried antibiotics and tried alsorts from the Chemist and nothing has really worked. Occassionally my nose will bleed and sometimes when I blow I get blood, I also get alot of facial pain. Try not to worry too much because alot of people I have spoken to lately have had the same thing.

I am going to try the remedy Shelley suggests and hopefully it will work.

I hope you feel better soon Helen because I know how unpleasant it makes you feel.


Hi Carol! Thank you so much for the reply. It probably sounds stupid, but I would be relieved if I was getting more pain to confirm it was merely a troublesome sinus infection:ohmy: As my aches are so mild I sometimes wonder if I'm imagining it to make myself feel better. Do you mind if I ask you to confirm that you get the blood from both nostrils and not just the one? Sorry to be a pest!:blush:

09-03-09, 22:50
I too have had really bad sinus problems for the last 5 weeks and have had a course of antibiotics. I have been to the Doctors twice as my nose kept bleeding and my panic hit big time when I started to cough up the bloody nasal mucus as it would not blow down my nose! The doctor said this was normal and that my sisnuses were beginning to clear and I did not need any more antibiotics. I have become paranoid and panicky about blood now and have been worried sick every time I cough, so much so that it is dominating every day of my life and I too would appreciate some reassurance. Has any one else had this happen, or is is just me?

I have been to the chemist and have purchased a product called "Sterimar" which is a natural sea water spray which promotes nasal hygiene. I have found this has thinned the mucus and is helping the congestion considerably. I have also cut out dairy products which has also helped.

I hope you feel better soon.

Nikki. :-) x

10-03-09, 00:37
blood can come just from the trauma of blowing your nose. my nose is bleeding right now when i blow it.. and i don't have sinusitis. it's just my blood vessels popping. my moms practically gushes blood. mine is more like little clotted bits. and sorry for whoever's dinner i just ruined.

10-03-09, 02:33
blood can come just from the trauma of blowing your nose. my nose is bleeding right now when i blow it.. and i don't have sinusitis. it's just my blood vessels popping. my moms practically gushes blood. mine is more like little clotted bits. and sorry for whoever's dinner i just ruined.

This has JUST happened to me! My right nostril has felt a bit clogged for a few days now, so I've constantly been blowing it and sticking tissues up there. I just blew it really bad to get some gunk out, and then noticed specks of blood in with the snot. So then I then wound a tissue up really tight so the tip would fit up to the top of my nose, and there was blood. I TOTALLY freaked out! Just kept sticking the tissue up there, as if to force my nose to bleed or something. Luckily I'd been reading this thread earlier, so I didn't panic as much as I probably would have normally.

And on a related note, along with this clogged nose, for the last few days I've had a scratchy throat (not sore, just scratchy) and my tongue feels... weird. I can't explain it, but it doesn't feel right. Anyone else get this?

10-03-09, 09:00
Yes - I get a weird sensation in my tongue and in my throat - and have all these nasal issues as well.....blow my nose and blood flecks come out - asked my very normal, no anxiety Husband and he confirms that this happens to him too - regularly! I currently feel like I have a jelly bean stuck at the back of my nose and am going through hell (see my 'It's been a While' post...) worrying about it...

Apparently a burning tongue sensation can be hormonal (or so my doctor told me) and it's usually referred 'pain' or nerves from either the nose or throat or ears and very normal.....

So - try not to worry about a slightly bleeding nose - and the throat will probably be mucus or something running down from the back of your nose.... I think the nose is a really sensitive area with lots of blood vessels...

Just reading back over this it sounds ridiculous as I have posted a really paranoid one about a similiar situation... Honestly, maybe I should listen to myself sometimes!

10-03-09, 09:26
Hi Helen

Yes I do get blood from both nostrils, sometimes the bleeding starts even when I don't feel that blocked.

Carol xxx

10-03-09, 11:30
Thank you Carol!:hugs: and the same to everyone who has posted a reply--the response has been tremendous.:flowers: :hugs: It is a huge relief to know that I'm not alone with this. I hope that anyone suffering with sinus or nose issues finds this thread and some reassurance too.:flowers:

ETA Nikki, sorry hun, I forgot to mention that while I do have some phlegm I'm being careful not to bring it up---because I know for a fact that I would freak and I'm freaking enough, lol. I do know that mucus from the nasal passages collects at the throat and this can be what you cough up, so it makes total sense for it to be sinus related. I hope you feel better soon too!

Kirsty :)
27-01-10, 21:10
ive suffered with sinus trouble for about a year now. i wake up with headaches and feel like S**t in the summer months. My sinuses are now badly infected. ive had different anti-bs, drops & sprays non of which have worked. i got referred to ent, she went into my nose with a camera and said i have to try treatment one last time & wash my nose out everyday with salt, and bicarb in water (possibly life long) & if in 4 months theres no change we will discuss surgery. hope this helps

28-01-10, 11:47
This thread has been great, full of valuable information.

I'd like to add something though & I'm wondering if it's part of having a sinus infection?

When I spit mucus in the morning, there has been yellow mucus and a tiny blob of dark blood inside the yellow mucus. This usually happens just in the morning.

And does sinus come with headaches at the top of the nose in between the eyebrows and at the temples? Panadol doesn't seem to really help.

28-01-10, 22:25
This thread has been great, full of valuable information.

I'd like to add something though & I'm wondering if it's part of having a sinus infection?

When I spit mucus in the morning, there has been yellow mucus and a tiny blob of dark blood inside the yellow mucus. This usually happens just in the morning.

And does sinus come with headaches at the top of the nose in between the eyebrows and at the temples? Panadol doesn't seem to really help.

Thank you, kirsty for the post:hugs:

ETA: Yes, I get sinus pain at the very top of my nose and between the eyebrows. My doc says pain at the temples is referred pain.

Mom1982, I have an interesting link for you that should reasure you and is very topical. http://www.doctorslounge.com/chest/forums/backup/topic-27308.html

I hope it helps you:yesyes:

ETA Yes, I do get sinus pain between the eyebrows at the top of the nose. My doc says temple pain is referred pain.

28-01-10, 23:30
Thank you so much Helen. That link was definitely helpful. I am being sent for a chest xray today. I'm quite nervous. I never expected there to be any problem but I'm still nervous now since it's going to be done in 5 hours.

29-01-10, 09:10
Thank you so much Helen. That link was definitely helpful. I am being sent for a chest xray today. I'm quite nervous. I never expected there to be any problem but I'm still nervous now since it's going to be done in 5 hours.

Very best of luck with the x-ray!:hugs:

01-02-10, 09:31
The chest xray was all clear!!

My GP is sending me for a CT scan of the face(i think) to check the sinuses, after i complete a course of antibiotics.
Anyone had a CT done to check the sinuses? What is it like,what do they do?

She will then refer me to an ENT.

30-09-16, 18:57
I would always seek advice from my doctor and its best not to let your imagination run wild. I had a terrible time with a sinus infection and was back and forth to the doctor.
I eventually got this spray from amazon (sinusoothes) and it was amazing as it worked after just half of the bottle was used.
I had been let down so many times before by nasal sprays and such like so I dont expect it to work so well.
It completely cured me and i have never had any sinus pain since (eight months ago).
But be warned it stings - if you re happy with this discomfort its well worth it.

01-10-16, 14:12
Hey gang...I have..or had really bad flu...im not as feverish...or as sick but have a really blocked sinus can barley smell half the time blood in tissue etc...the dr said its viral not bacterial but here is some antibiotics..i havent taken any seeing as its viral..should i maybe could it be bacterial.

Elizabeth Fry
03-10-16, 00:04
I had sinus problems just like yours and had a ct scan, camera and scan to check whether I had an aneurysm in my throat. I think it's all fairly routine. Mine were all ok just sinusitis/rhinitis.

Try not to worry.


27-09-17, 18:47
Hi all,

I joined the forum because I have a deviated septum and with it your favourite type of sinusitis. I am the guy who winces in a lift on the way down or has 5 colds a year. I am 43 years old having lived my adult life in Europe and moved to Hong Kong recently. I have faced the whole bevy of chronic issues.

Colds 5 times a year
Blocked ears 12 times a year
Sinus pressure that results in sleep loss maybe 50 days a year
Plus my personal favourite.. Blocked nose...

I have not done any of the tests you all have and my knowledge is nothing compared to the people here but I would like to share a few things.

Lived in 7 countries in last 5 years and so on a plane a lot and on the prowl for otc drugs that help

Here is my stash that has taken years for me to learn in pain and I hope someone out there can benefit.

Let's start with my favourite.. Blocked nose.. So I tried all the known ones, us and European brands some worked OK some didn't and strangely not all worked all the time. That is when I literally stumbled on rhinospray.. I have only found it in Germany and Austria and no idea if it is named something else in the world but OMG it changed my life.. However bad the blockage I never needed more than one puff. Everyone I have recommended to have literally wanted to kiss my hands.. Only available in Germany but available at Frankfurt airport.. Get the plus one not the normal one.
No blocked nose since. Haven't felt addicted and none of that rebound stuff. Using it for more than 10 years

Next my flight cures. I never leave for a flight without 2 things. Rhino spray and something called earplanes.. Plastic ear plugs designed for use on flights. The type I use seems to have been stopped in production but there are others but no idea if they work. My ear planes on I have flown through umpteen landings and walked away with minimal impact and no pain. No ear drum burst like in the past and survived many colds while flying..
Next comes sinusitis and sinus pressure.. Have taken antibiotics etc and survived. A while ago I had one of my attacks.. Face felt like it was gonna explode.. Damn this Congestion was moving around.. Headache you name it.. Sinus clogged beyond belief. Head, ears, brows, forehead it hurt everywhere. Plus had a flight to hkg that night. I stopped at a lil pharmacy and begged for help. Told him that I normally take sudafed but was aware you can't get it in Germany.. He smiled and said try this.. A German syrup concoction with sudafed in it. 0ne hour later.. I wish I could have gone back and kissed the man.. It literally melted away all the congestion I mean I was shocked.. Never seen anything so effective. Goodbye sinus pain and lack of sleep..

Finally for the throat.. I don't know the exact recipe but it basically uses ginger lemon water and salt in a hot water.. Never been happy with natural remedies in my life but this one blows the cough away when taken in conjunction with my sinus medication..

Still looking for a medical cough medicine that works in a matter of an hour..

There you go, hope this helps someone out there. I am not a Dr nor do I gain from this advice financially and everyone is a bit different so may not work for you but wow.. It's made my life a lot more bearable..

Never lose hope.. Good luck...