View Full Version : extremely tired!!

14-07-05, 17:09
I've been feeling a little tired since I started taking Citalopram 3 weeks ago and I know that this is a pretty common syptom but is it supposed to leave you feeling like you can't get up? I've been having a few good days this week but today my head is aching I've got ache's and pains in my muscles (like I'm coming down with a cold or flu or something), I just want to curl up into a ball and go to sleep.

I haven't felt this bad since I before I got diagnosed. I'm at the doctors tomorrow to see how I am on the meds and don't know what to say. I seem to be up and down like a yoyo. Today isn't so much the emotional stuff it's more physical and I feel exhuasted when really I haven't done anything today, I've been trying to get motivated by doing some cleaning but I just don't have the energy.

I just want to know does anyone else feel like this? Will it pass?


"Of all the things I've lost I miss my mind the most!"

14-07-05, 20:34
hi Claire,

The way you feel is pretty normal. Though you have been on the meds 3 weeks, your body is probably still getting used to them. I think you need to give them more time..

Sarah :D

"Life is too important to take seriously" Corky Siegal

15-07-05, 04:05
Hi Claire,

I agree it takes a while for anti-depressants to start work affectivly give them a chance and you should feel much better!

I started on sertraline two weeks ago and I know that it may take a while till I feel better. I have PTSD! bad sledding accident!

But I am getting better hope you do too!!!!! [^]


"Never give up the Fight!"

15-07-05, 06:59
Hi Claire,

I know exactly how you feel and yes I believe it will pass. I started on Citalopram 20mg about 6wks ago and after 4weeks was just like a yoyo too so had a review and they were upped to 40mg.
I have found the tiredness of not being able to get has now totally subsided and in my case gone the other way - I don't seem to be able to switch off at all and I'm now running on very little sleep at all! I also went a bit manic for a few days but again this has subsided.

Not to say this will happen to you but everyone just keeps assuring me that the tablets take a while to get into your system and settle things down! I did overcome a situation yesturday which 6weeks ago would have had me in a complete state therefore I came to the conclusion that although I still cannot motivate myself properly that small situations which would have caused anxiety before maybe doesn't now quite so much.

I hope you are feeling a bit better today and good luck at the drs. I find those review appointments very hard - I hope it isn't too stressful for you.

All the best and i will be very intersted to hear how you get on - you sound from this and other posts quite similar to me!


15-07-05, 17:06
Well that is me back from the doctors, she has decided to keep me on the citalopram 20mg for another 4 weeks to see how I go and has put me forward for CBT. She isn't sure how long the waiting lists are here but at least the wheels are in motion.

I have posted another message (could this be my problem? (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=4357)) basically just asking if I maybe had PTSD. I discussed this with my doctor today and she thinks this is very probable. She suggested relaxation tapes, breathing exercises and books on stress and panic disorders. I told her that I already had Claire Weekes book on audio tape and she said that was good, I also told her about this website and she said that she'd heard of it[Wow!].

The doctor I had was really nice in an un-partrinising way which makes me feel better.

She's assured me that I will get better and just to keep telling my self this, I'll try.


"Of all the things I've lost I miss my mind the most!"

15-07-05, 18:20
I think it's good that you're giving the meds a bit more time. Hope you start to feel al little better soon!! :D

"Life is too important to take seriously" Corky Siegal