View Full Version : Exercise

14-07-05, 19:07
As you all know i've been feeling very rough with feeling like i cannot breathe all the time i've had it for 4-5 days if it was a blood clot would i be dead by now?

I have just got in from going out with my partner and kids and done an hours exercise, done some running, situps and push ups but dont feel any better at all not even slightly thought it may have helped so now im even more worried.

14-07-05, 20:36
Yes - you would be dead if it were a bloodclot

"Life is too important to take seriously" Corky Siegal

14-07-05, 22:16

The effects of exercise are cumulative and I wouldn't expect you to feel that much better after just one session.

It will get better in time if you keep it up so stick at it ok?


"Nearly all happiness comes into our lives through doors we don't even remember leaving open"

15-07-05, 03:16
Slow and steady - that is the key.

You wouldn't walk out of the door and take on a marathon without training would you? Of course not.

You have to start slowly and build up a little at a time.
2 sessions doesn't mean you can run the 4 minute mile.

It takes time.

Love, light and Best wishes
Liz xxx
With hard work and determination and all the things you know.
The world is there for you to take. There's nowhere you can't go.

[:p]Scatty Eccentric & 'Poet Laureate to panic and anxiety'

15-07-05, 03:28
You will be much better in a few days with the exercise, but you do need to accept the fact you do not have a blood clot. The signs are pain when breathing and even then muscles being tight can have the same effect. Skin in hot red blotches and hard to touch. Most of all not so common unless you are on certain meds that warn you or you have had surgury.

Hope knowing you don't have a blood clot relaxes you!



15-07-05, 08:24

It won't be immediate. All of this anxiety you have built up has happened over a period of time - you have got yourself into this highly sensitised state over time, not overnight.

Therefore, the recovery will take time as well. Everything you do will have cumulative effects. This goes for exercise, relaxation, positive outlook, all of the things that are recommended.

All you can do is keep at it - believe me the exercise will have an effect, probably even as quickly as 3-4 weeks if you do it regularly.


*** I think, therefore I'm anxious ***