View Full Version : Dental Phobia

04-02-09, 18:54
Hi there. I'm very new here but have what to some sounds totally ridiculous. I have quite a severe dental phobia and manage to wind myself up into a right old state for days before a dental appointment.

I was supposed to have a wisdom tooth extraction under local anasthetic on Monday but it was cancelled due to snow and it has now been put back to March but already I am in a frenzy! I am also having pains after exercise in my gums (.. it sounds ridiculous now I have written it) ... and think I need to go to the dentist to get it checked but I am too worried.

How does everyone else deal with the dentist!? I long to be a normal patient who can go, get things done and then get on with their lives but I just don't seem able to. Advice please!


04-02-09, 19:21
I think dental phobia is quite common and not just amongst people who already suffer with anxiety, but with the population in general.

I have just been to the dentist today, only for a check up and a clean and polish, but I have to say I was also in quite a pickle thinking about it and getting myself all worked up.

Perhaps you could go and talk to you GP before you go next time and ask for something to take before you go so that you are a bit calmer on the day.

04-02-09, 20:42
Its nothing to be embarressed about - I am the same. I am 48 years old and still get an upset stomach and feel sick and hyperventilate in the chair!! my dentist cant understand why but he is very patient and I always feel a fool when its over!"! WENJOY X

04-02-09, 21:30
Hi there

Have you read the dental phobia page on the left for some tips?