View Full Version : Constant pins & needles\tingling in arms and legs + neck\back pain

05-02-09, 05:48
Firstly let me say what a fantastic site this is. When I start feeling overwhelmed, I read some of the posts I realise that maybe (just maybe !:) ) I am not going crazy after all.
A symptom I have and would love to hear from others who do, is that I have constant pins and needles\tingling\zapping sensations in my hand\feets\arms\legs. They come and go in different places and sometimes linger on in the same place for a couple of days - the scary thing is that it happens all the time\every day (has been occuring for the last 2 months). It only stops when I am walking, however as soon as I sit or lie down - they start up again. I also have constant neck and upper back pain that gets worse as the day progresses - I don't know if it is related to the pins and needles or if they are all symptoms of anxiety. Am currently on 25mg on endep at night.

09-02-09, 00:22
I am also having this sensation... I was going to come on here and post about it as well. I know anxiety and panic hyperventivaltion can lead to this... but mine is also constant. Like I am not currently in the middle of a panic... But my hands/arm and feet/legs are tingling and feel very weak. Is that what you are having as well? I am not sure what it is, as I am concentrating on breathing well... but if we both have it, maybe it means that it really is a form of anxiety?

09-02-09, 03:48
I'm glad someone replied. I was starting to think that no-one else had this constantly. Does you have neck\back pain also? I have always been told that I have bad posture so I am not sure whether this is related to that or if it just my anxiety. It really freaks me out as I think there is something sinister going on. I am going for an MRI of my cervical spine and thoracic spine tomorrow. That in itself is getting me anxious as I worry about what they might fine. Have you been to a doctor about it?

09-02-09, 05:08
i have been having the same thing in my neck and back too. especially the tingling. My upper back and neck is always very tense. im glad to know that im not the only one.

09-02-09, 12:14
I know - the fact that it is constant is worrying. Will let you know of the results of my MRI.

15-02-09, 13:20
Hi peeps,
just found this site, and like most of u am really worried. 2 years ago whilst holidaying at one of her Majestys finest establishments i got back into the gym. whilst on the treadmill (pushing myself hard) i got pins and needles in left arm/ foot. gym instructer questioned me and said i was fine. Problem continued for 2 weeks and i eventually saw the docter. He prodded me LIGHTY in the stomach and it really hurt then he said that it was a build up of adrenalin and would pass. It did. Iv'e been fine since but yesterday I went for quite a long run (first for a long time) and the problem has returned, but only in my left foot. Im now stressing because this only happens when i exercise hard, and friends are talking about strokes and heart conditions.
Also iv'e been a multiple addict for more than half of my life and have just become totally substance free barring caffine and 4mg of bupronorphine daily.
If any-one can help put my mind at ease I would be 4ever greatful.

15-02-09, 13:23
i have been having the same thing in my neck and back too. especially the tingling. My upper back and neck is always very tense. im glad to know that im not the only one.

dont get tingling often only when i exercise hard, but back, neck and shoulders (particuarly left side) ALWAYS tense.

16-02-09, 04:02
Trigger point therapy (or Myotherapy as we call it here) is great for this. I found that my muscles were in knots and I think this put pressure on the nerves. Obviously the anxiety contributes to the muscle knots, however a good therapist will be able to find them and massage them out.
Good Luck.

16-02-09, 15:19

I agree. Anxiety's constant tension can lead to alot of muscle knots. My wife decided to give me a neck and shoulder massage the other week and could not believe how knotted I was there. Its little wonder that I get so much pain there when I am tensing up on top of that. A good massage in the right areas definitely helps.


18-02-09, 15:18
I just have to reply to this.....when I am extremely anxious I get pins/needles even in my mouth & tongue! Have just started new med. & it is causing this to get worse! My osteopath (bad back ) said it could well be anxiety as well as bad posture, also he said that 'anxiety hates exercise & you can cut it dead by walking/running/skipping - use the adrenaline for something useful!' Have found his advice really good -even when having a panic attack - skipping in the back garden (have to force myself) but it really does help!!!! You don't have to be a gymnast or young, just do what your body/age will let you do - but do it as briskly as you can!

19-02-09, 11:05
Wow...these are my exact symptoms at the moment.

Mainly the legs and mostly my left leg, feels like pins and needles and the skin stretching.

I don't take any medication.

I put it down to being sat at a computer for a lot of hours a day at work. I'd even began to worry about DVT!! :blush:

I never google symptoms now, I come straight here and always find that there are several people the same.

Take care out there

19-02-09, 13:47
Pepercat, I couldn't agree more with you and your osteopath. I get all sorts of weird sensations from time to time (including horrible pins and needles, burning and tingling) and the ONLY thing that kills it is exercise, the more vigorous the better!

I always feel fantastic after going to the gym (guess its all the endorphins) and I really want to recommend exercise to anyone with anxiety symptoms. It doesn't take them away permanently (as everyone has to sit still sometime!) but it might go some way to helping us all understand that what we have is anxiety - not actual organic disease.

03-03-09, 16:14
Tingling sensations in extremities etc or feelings of cold hands and feet when they are not actually cold are also symptoms of vitamin deficiencies. People suffering from anxiety are more prone to iron deficiency. Ask your doc to run a blood test for it. I had the same. Im now on iron tablets as i depleted my bodys iron stores due to strsss x

05-03-09, 11:17
Hey all! This is a wonderful site and I already feel a bit of relief after reading your stories. I drive alot and I have lots of time to let my mind wonder. So I feel a little pain in the chest (a trapped wind) and there I go... Im having a heart attack and Im gonna die and sweaty hands burning sensation in chest and my left side feels like it is under preassure and I panic. All for nothing...
I find that the more you read and understand, the more it helps. So I go to the doctor and I am now on 50mg Antidepresants. They do help alot but I would like to do it without it. Anyway. When I called the nurse about the constant preassure I feel from my eye to my head in my neck down my back all the way down my leg. She said that I need to take Ibuprofen and lotsa back massages. Well I did it and felt much better the next day. I still get it and when it gets bad I just do it again. My wife gets a little mad when I ask for the massage. But It really helps.
Thank goodness Im not alone. :bighug1: