View Full Version : Difficulty Swallowing - Need Reassurance

05-02-09, 09:49
Just as I thought things were beginning to settle down slightly after six months of what has virtually been a nervous breakdown accompanied by dreadful anxiety related - according to the GP - gastric symptoms, after a particularly stressful ten days I'm now experiencing occasional really frightening swallowing problems. It's as though my swallowing reflex doesn't work properly and food sort of gets stuck mid swallow and I feel things won't 'go down' or they 'go the wrong way'. I am taking Lansoprazole for acid reflux and gastritis and had a Barium Swallow about three months ago and that's all they found. I live alone and I'm terrified of choking. It only seems to happen at certain times, for example at tea time yesterday it was really bad, but when I was eating the dry digestive biscuits I always have before I go to bed everything was fine. I'm so over-sensitized after the last six months - although I've battled with anxiety in one form or another for 55 years - I suppose it is just due to stress. I know I clench and grind my teeth even when I'm awake and that must affect my throat muscles. Does anyone else experience swallowing problems? I need some reassurance please.

05-02-09, 10:57
I have posted before about this problem - it is horrid - if i have to take a tablet, i sometimes have to spit it out (it is starting to melt - it takes such an effort to 'find the swallow action) and rinse my mouth and start again.
Food any food can also be a problem. I try any sort of distraction
i put the tablet in my mouth and while swallowing i make myself "do something" walk, turn off the TV (manually) knock a book off the table:ohmy:
AS you live alone there is no one to think you are 'daft':blush:
this is a nervous problem it is in Claire Weeks book - she ask a patient to take a bite out of a biscuit and chew but do not swallow.
once again it is the fear - that is the worst.:blush:
But i am sure you can swallow at other times?
Hope this helps
best wishes

06-02-09, 00:04
by thinking about swallowing too much you end up tensing muscles in your throat and they can spasm i think which means it seems you are not swallowing properly but you are. Its just another sign of anxiety especially since the barium swallow was normal

all the best

06-02-09, 00:44
It's anxiety. Just look at the number of threads started about this problem!:hugs: