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View Full Version : Clomipramine (Anafranil) - time to work?

05-02-09, 12:00
Only been taking it for 3 days (and only 25Mg) but I swear I feel better already.

Less stressed, agitated, and less obsessive about things.

Is this possible? Or just a co-incidence or me imagining it?

Whats the normal time for a TCA like this to work? Is it the standard 4-6 weeks?

10-02-09, 20:35
I started on 10mg in Dec and felt great at first, then a bit down over xmas, then up again so have been on 25mg for the past 2 weeks and I definitely feel better. It's like the only voice I hear is a positive one rather than the usual negative/anxious/stressed thoughts.

Stick with it and see how it goes, I still felt completely spaced out by day 3!

Good luck x

11-02-09, 09:26
I started on 10mg in Dec and felt great at first, then a bit down over xmas, then up again so have been on 25mg for the past 2 weeks and I definitely feel better. It's like the only voice I hear is a positive one rather than the usual negative/anxious/stressed thoughts.

Stick with it and see how it goes, I still felt completely spaced out by day 3!

Good luck x

On 50Mg this week, going up to 100Mg in a few weeks.

15-02-09, 14:46
have you both had the horrible side effects of rigid muscles and tremors?
i was put on it for my social anxiety,but had to stop has those side effects were the worst i had experienced on any A/D

16-02-09, 10:28
have you both had the horrible side effects of rigid muscles and tremors?
i was put on it for my social anxiety,but had to stop has those side effects were the worst i had experienced on any A/D

Nope. No real side effects for me apart from slightly dry mouth....

To be honest, I've always been lucky with ADs. No side effects and no withdrawal problems...

I often wonder sometimes if this also means this is why they dont work !!!!

16-02-09, 19:03
I get a dry mouth and wake up a lot during the night - even though they're supposed to help me sleep! I yawn an awful lot too, and seem to grind teeth which wakes me up.

16-02-09, 22:43
yup,i had the dry mouth bit,like i was trying to eat flour!
weird u guys never had the shakes on em:blush: im sure my shrink thinks i make all these side effects up!

are you taking this med for SA or ocd/depression

28-02-09, 18:34
I'm taking it for moderate depression and anxiety and I am feeling a lot better at the moment...fingers crossed!