View Full Version : Wife on facebool/texting friends all the time

05-02-09, 12:03
Basically, she can spend all night on facebook, and/or texting her friend on her mobile phone (like constantly).

As a fella, I dont understand it. I text my mates about once a week if that !!!! And I hate facebook!

It bugs me that I dont know what shes doing, and it annoys me I dont know who shes texting. Is that weird? It really stresses me out.

To be fair to her, shes normally got the laptop in the living room on the settee, so its not as if I dont see her or shes hiding away. And she does talke to me as well.

Also, if we go out, she does avoid texting, so its not like all the time only when we're home doing nothing.

05-02-09, 12:23

Sorry your worrying like this. Im on face book, and personaly i dont really see how any one can spend such a long time on there as there isnt much to do, unless your playing the games that are on there, which i have done, and can in this case spend quite some time on there.

Instead of worrying so much about her texting, why dont you ask her about it, im sure she wouldnt mind you asking, just to put your mind at rest.

Try not to let it fester because your mind can go into over drive with stuff like this. I would just speak to her and ask for a little reassurance.

Hope things feel better soon, Take care

05-02-09, 12:27
Women like to talk. Try reading the book 'men are from mars women are from Venus' then you'll understand more. I do it sometimes and my hubby checks what I am up to.:doh:

05-02-09, 12:53
I'm a bloke and I spend a lot of time talking to people on facebook, I've made a lot of friends on their. I wouldnt worry about it if she's doing in the same room as you she obviously hasnt got anything to hide. My wife's mobile is always going off with messages from friends n family.

05-02-09, 13:38
Cheers all....

05-02-09, 13:56
ooh psychocandy - you could be my husband talking

- if im not on this site im on facebook and i am constantly texting - mostly to my friend who i see every day - its a girly thing (sorry I hope i dont upset anyone for not being pc)

05-02-09, 17:41
ooh psychocandy - you could be my husband talking

- if im not on this site im on facebook and i am constantly texting - mostly to my friend who i see every day - its a girly thing (sorry I hope i dont upset anyone for not being pc)

For like a few hours a night?

And I reckon she gets a text every 10 mins on average. Admitedly, some of this is facebook stuff that gets sent to her mobile.

05-02-09, 18:17
yes every night and even in the day too - !!

05-02-09, 18:20
have to say it is quite normal, as it's in front of you I really don't think you have anything to worry about.

Why don't you have a special evening once a week, with phones switched off, that way you might feel less neglected.


05-02-09, 18:24
I am sorry to admit I am as guilty as your wife!

I am always on my PC, texting or on the phone. I am agoraphobic so my PC etc is a life line to me. My PC is in the living room so my hubby is here watching tv at the same time. I don't have anything to hide.

Please try not to be too hard on your wife, she sounds like a friendly person who likes to communicate.


05-02-09, 18:26
I too can spend all day on the internet in general - either here, or other forums I use and on Facebook and doing emails. I have met a lot of good friends online and it's how we keep in touch.

Like others have said if she's doing it while you're there it doesn't seem like she's trying to hide anything.

Perhaps Lynnann's suggestion about having at least one evening a week where you do something together might be something you could consider?

Karen x

Paul goforit
06-02-09, 14:53
Is it right that a wife/husband should behave in this way?

I guess to some it seems ok in todays world...........

But to others, myself included, it seems quite an ignorant thing to do......

Regards Paul

07-02-09, 00:16
Is it right that a wife/husband should behave in this way?

I guess to some it seems ok in todays world...........

But to others, myself included, it seems quite an ignorant thing to do......

Regards Paul

Hi Paul

I guess we all have to move with the times,once upon a time women didn't work as their husbands supported them and they had time to catch up and interact with their neighbours, family and friends, their husbands interacted at work, that is not usually the case these days. Even for a stay at home husband the situation is the same usually everyone else is at work and everyone needs social interaction.

We all get tired after a days work and sometimes a husband, partner,wife is not up to conversation. I have had many evenings when I have been very glad that I have my dog for company.

My online friends and phone conversations have provided me with a priceless social network.

I understand the need for quality time with a siqnificant other but that requires effort from both sides which sometimes is too much in the modern age.

I personally think understanding each others needs and respecting them, yet making time for each other is the way I want to live my life and I don't find anything ignorant about that.


08-02-09, 20:26
I use Facebook but I am very concious that my wife feels left out so I limit myself and I always involve her in what I have done etc... show she feels a part of my social life too.

I am aware that she could think "paranoid" thoughts about who I am talking to and share her concerns as I would feel the same if she was texting and spending hours on facebook.

Why not ask her to show you what's it all about. You may get an interest also which if you did would address the balance.


Paul goforit
09-02-09, 10:02
It would appear that many are able to fit quite nicely into the 'blame culture' that's so predominant these days......

Blame it on the 'demanding modern age'.............

Better still, if your partner wishes to spend every evening/night 'texting', or 'facebooking', do your own 'social networking' and spend every evening down the pub.

Afterall the stress of the 'demanding modern age' is the real culprit..



09-02-09, 10:36

I geuss i have to agree with Paul in some ways.:blush:

I also spend quite alot of time on facebook and on forums and really i should try to cut down. In the evening when hubby is at home he likes to read fishing magazines and watch sport on tv so im usually on the laptop he does sometimes sulk when im on the laptop so i do come off it then.(to keep peace)

I have to say though if i didnt use the laptop and my husband spent hours in the evening on the laptop i dont think i would be happy!:blush:

If it started causing problems with our relation ship though i wouldnt hesitate to stop using the laptop all together, my husband will always come first.
My niece as been having no end of arguments with her hubby over face book and she as deleted her account she said the arguments just arnt worth it!


09-02-09, 15:01
It would appear that many are able to fit quite nicely into the 'blame culture' that's so predominant these days......

Blame it on the 'demanding modern age'.............

Better still, if your partner wishes to spend every evening/night 'texting', or 'facebooking', do your own 'social networking' and spend every evening down the pub.

Afterall the stress of the 'demanding modern age' is the real culprit..



Ummm...Not sure that will help. Nice idea though . that is if you dont want to be in a relationship. LOL.


Paul goforit
09-02-09, 16:02

It wouldnt help.

To go the pub every evening would possibly be as ignorant as sitting their texting/facebooking all evening.........and blaming in it on the 'demanding modern age'...........doesnt do much for a relationship either!

Surely its about respect? Or does selfishness win every time?



09-02-09, 16:08
i am the same my partner is always telling me that i spend all my time on facebook, wot i do is open 2 tabs facebook on one this on another, i love my facebook as i have caught up with some ppl i avent seen for ages. but it does get boring thats why i have two tabs on the go and flick between them

10-02-09, 17:18
Thanks for all the feedback everyone !!!!!