View Full Version : So Annoyed That So Many Things Annoy / Upset Me :-(

05-02-09, 12:09
Its as if my brain is seaching for things to worry / stress about....

I might wake up one morning and one particular thing will play on my mind ALL DAY. It could be anything, even something that happened weeks ago. But it will still be there...

After a bit, I do tend to calm down but then next day it might be something totally different !!!!

Some of you may have noticed how I tend to post a number of different problems with my relationship etc. Thats how I get. One day one thing will seem extremely important and devastating to me, a gfew days later I might be OK abiout that and stressing about something else !!!

Please tell me I'm not the only one like this !!!!

05-02-09, 13:52
you are not the only one

05-02-09, 13:54
im like this as well and also so many things annoy and irritate me as well as worry me - i must be a nightmare

05-02-09, 15:42
That my friend is generalised anxiety in a nut shell. Whilst we are in this hightened state we can find anything to obsess and stress about. Once one problem has been resolved we will find another. Even the smallest things get blown out of all proportion. Have you had any therapy or take any meds to help you?

05-02-09, 17:40
That my friend is generalised anxiety in a nut shell. Whilst we are in this hightened state we can find anything to obsess and stress about. Once one problem has been resolved we will find another. Even the smallest things get blown out of all proportion. Have you had any therapy or take any meds to help you?

Currently doing CBT therapy.
Over the years, a multitude of SSRIs, now Clomipramine.

Reckon its anxiety or OCD I've got?