View Full Version : Waiting for blood tests...

05-02-09, 15:19
I went to my doc yesterday because of all the pains in my neck and back. I worry its something else as I get them round my chest, in my kidney area and its driving me mad, as well as the headaches.
Doc asked me if I worried about these pains and I said yes, wasn't going to deny it. She has sent me for routine blood tests and now I am worried they will find something, one was bone density so my mind has gone into overdrive about what they could find.
Just want to feel normal, and not have to worry about health all the time. I feel silly talking to anyone about how I feel, but I worry so much about getting ill.
Citalopram have helped but my fears are still within at the slightest ache or pain, now the pain in my head is worrying me too, hence my post on symptoms too!
am I going mad??

05-02-09, 17:06
your not gonig mad ,i think everyone of us worries if blood tests will come back normal and they usually do, im sure they will find nothing let us know when you get them

05-02-09, 23:38
It's funny - doctors order tests in part to reassure patients. Probably 60% or more of the tests a doctor orders have an expected negative result. But in medicine, you have to rule out causes before you can get an accurate diagnosis. And yet we get so bloody anxious waiting for the results... I feel for you, I've had days of panic waiting for test results. Hope you hear soon and I'm sure the results will be fine. :) You're not going mad, you're just like the rest of us!

06-02-09, 13:00
thanks for the support, rang docs today and results all fine and doctor has signed them off, phew...
still got a funny headache though!
would love to be one of these people who didn't fear health worries and saw a headache as a headache and nothing more..
thanks guys x