View Full Version : Can these pains really be anxiety related?

Forrest Gump
05-02-09, 15:56
I'm really confused about the pains that I've been having for about a month now. Most of them are stabbing, short pains and some of them are more aching and last for a couple of minutes. They are rarely in the same place, they move from place to place. In my chest, in my side, in my leg, arms and hands, back, head, jaw and gums, with no particular order. Sometimes often and sometimes with hours between them. I worry a lot that they are dangerous, as I have a minor heart problem for which I'm taking Concor (Bisoprol beta blocker) and Moduretic (reduces fluid in the body). Sometimes when the panic attacks are too much for me I also take half a 0.25 mg of Xanax.

Several heart doctors have told me these pains are anxiety related, but I find it really hard to understand that anxiety and fear can cause pain in this way. When I have a full blown panic attack, my chest feels really heavy, like somebody was sitting on it. But that is somehow easier for me to understand than these irregular pains.

What kind of pains do you have with or prior to your anxiety attack?

05-02-09, 16:10
:) Hi there Forrest Gump,

The pain you are experiencing could be from being anxious which causes muscle tension esp in the upper torso - well, that is what I have experienced. I try to stretch, do some neck exercises & abdominal breathing to relax.

It is difficult to separate anxiety symptoms from any other underlying condition, isn't it? The doubt can drive me crazy so I do understand.

Forrest Gump
05-02-09, 18:45
Thanks Blot :) Yes it is, I find it almost impossible to separate and the doubt drives me crazy too...
It's like if I had an accident, broke both my legs and then I'm just supposed to stand up, walk away and ignore it like it never happened. Unless I'm imagining things, the pain really is there, all over, coming and going.

It doesn't feel like muscle tension though - when comparing with the kind of pain or tension that one can get after exercising.

Forrest Gump
06-02-09, 07:10
Yesterday I got one of the scariest pains in a long time. I was watching TV and was feeling alright when suddenly it was like the entire upper part of my back was electrocuted. It hurt like hell and I froze completely from the shock. It lasted for a couple of seconds and then went away completely, but I didn't even dare to move for several minutes. The whole evening had been really good, I felt just fine for the first time in a long time. Then after this shock I'm back in the anxiety again. I really can't comprehend that these pains are supposed to be anxiety related.

Forrest Gump
11-03-09, 11:55
Edit: This might look confusing, it's a reply to a post asking "Forrest - are you still getting these pains?" that was deleted when I posted this reply.

Yes, I'm still getting these pains, although they are reduced by now. I'm not getting panic attacks anymore, or very rarely, and the pains that I still have are stabbing pains lasting 5 to 10 seconds, mostly in my chest but also in my sides, under the ribs and around my shoulders. Occasionally I also feel pressure on my chest. I have done numerous hospital visits for these, they've checked ECG, blood and everything many times over and they never find anything. It's hard to be sure, but the pains really do seem to be connected to anxiety, as they increase in difficult situations. I have a follow up appointment with my cardiologist in two weeks, to investigate further, and if things look good they will put me of the heart meds (bisoprol betablockers and moduretic that reduces fluid in the body). These meds have some side effects that I'm guessing are adding to my symptoms.
I've been on a low dose of Xanax that I'v been reducing also, I'm now down to half a 0.25 a day (as they should be reduced slowly).

Overall I would say that I'm a lot better now. Sometimes I can go for a day and have very few of the stabbing pains. I'm still depressed and have anxiety but I'm going to see a psychiatrist for this and migh go back on Citalopram which I was on for three years about one year ago with succesful results.


11-03-09, 13:06
Forrest - sorry that was me that removed that post as I was having some thoughts about the medication that you were on but wanted to do some more research before asking you!

I was going to say that I am on Lipitor (following a heart attack) and I am geting terrible pains in back, legs, arms etc and am waiting to hear from doc if these meds are causing it. I am also on Bisoprol as well so interested to hear how you were doing.

Forrest Gump
11-03-09, 15:56
Dear Nicole, I was really fast in replying as I got a reminder in the mail of the post, so I got ahead of your edit :)

I'm sorry to hear about your pains. Personally I believe that the Bisoprol and/or Moduretic could be causing various pains for me, as I was feeling better before starting on the meds. Some doctors have also said that this might be possible, although not giving any specific details.

However, my medical history for the past months is complicated so it can be hard to tell what is what. I was living in Thailand when I was diagnosed with a minor heart problem for which I was given the various meds. Then I started getting panic attacks (first time ever) that sent me to the emergency room a number of times. Over time they changed and gave me various meds without really finding the cause of my pains, including tranquilizers and what not. They overmedicate heavily in Thailand. Eventually the hospital bills ruined me so I had to move back to Sweden and by then I was on Bisoprol, Moduretic and a low dose of Xanax.

I'm now awaiting further checkups of the heart. Since I came home I've been to the emergency room a couple of times for the stabbing pains, but they have not been able to find anything. I'm also feeling generally better, as I mentioned earlier. For me, these pains are probably panic/anxiety or meds related, after all these tests and nodding heads by the doctors that they don't know why I get them. I can't be sure, but that's as close as I can get.

It might very well be the same for you, but I still think you should consult your doctor as soon as you can regarding your pains. Maybe there is another mediation that will suit you better and not cause pains. I don't mean to worry you, but I think you should check it up to be on the safe side.

I truly hope that you get relieved from this as I know how difficult it can be.
All the best