View Full Version : i can't queue panic!!

15-07-05, 09:52
has anyone got any advice on what i can do when im in a queue, i have a massive panic attack i sweat shake and feel like im gonna pass out most of the time i wont go in a shop they have more than 2 people at checkout. i have to make my hubby or kids queue with me so i can talk to them to take my mind of having a panic attack.
michelle xxx

15-07-05, 10:05
Distracting yourself is the best way to cope. Maybe you could play mind games with yourself? Like see how long you can stay in the queue and then try to beat your record..:D

"Life is too important to take seriously" Corky Siegal

15-07-05, 10:07
Hi Michelle,

I know exactly how you feel as I am the same, somtimes i can get through being in a small shop for a bit, but when it comes to queing i loose it - if i can pay straight away its no too bad.

I always have somone with me so i chat like you said to take my mind off it..if i do happen to be at the counter by myself, i try singing a song in my head, or try adding up what the total will be or think of tings i can plan to do when .

Its all about distraction methods. I always make sure i take a bottle of water with me to sip as i find this helps, I always have my phone on me too so i can text a mate to take my mind off it.

Tatty B xx

15-07-05, 10:11
Try counting backwards from 2000 thats usually takes my mind off the queue thing or playing a game on my mobile! Once at the checkout I usually start talking rubbish to whoever is serving me - tends to calm me down! xx

15-07-05, 10:56
im the same if i have to stand in a queue especally if there is more than a few people in it.

i usually stand and mutter away to myself or sway side side when im standing anything to take my mind of it.

15-07-05, 13:57

You already know what causes and averts it

**i have to make my hubby or kids queue with me so i can talk to them to take my mind of having a panic attack.**

By not thinking or focussing on the thoughts that run through your mind whilst you're standing there you have already learnt that distraction is the first way of averting panic.

Think about a holiday you're planning or your kids party or a DIY project - something that needs some thought and concentration.

A mantra that you repeat over and over agaon also helps - 'I'm absolutely fine ' was one of my best ones ( even when I felt terrible ) and I always was uncomfortable but fine...

Start with small steps - a queue with only 2 people, talk to the person ahead or behind you - comment on a pretty piece of jewellery etc.

You can do this - step by step . Its just the thoughts getting in the way .

Lets try to keep our thoughts in perspective (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=283)
Mind Games (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=1789)
obsessive thoughts & anxiety (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=3096)
Still suffering this damn "suggestive" thing.. (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=4288)
The Battle that Rages in my Head (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=4149)


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

15-07-05, 14:46
Been there seen it got this t-shirt!!!

Boy I hated having to wait, my best one was if we had gone out for dinner I was fine until after teh main course then I knew it was not long to leave then I'd feel I have to go NOW - can't wait for the bill or enertain puddings etc - all part of the fight or flee response I am sure.

Keep going with the distraction, my good one was to mentally price everything in my trolly or basket and add it up in my head and then see how close I was when the bill arrived. It never failed somehow to keep me occupied enough...weird eh!

17-07-05, 20:33
Hi Michelle

I totally understand how you feel...the big shops are the worst and I would never dream of going to the deli in a supermarket I would have to stand for ages something I hate as i panic and the dizziness comes and rears its ugly head...Its funny because Im a shopaholic at heart!!XKX

18-07-05, 09:49
Yep - agree with all the replies.

When I'm with one of the kids I talk to them or I go outside while they queue.

Or I've done the playing with my mobile or chatting to other customers all of which help.

A couple of times in Homebase I've let the feeling of terror actually come and not shied away from it but let it wash over - I think if I could do this more eventually it would lose much of its sting. I think I sometimes spend far too much time running away from the feeling.

Yesterday I went to the beach with friends for 6 hours and although anxious for lots of the time I worked on bodily relaxing myself so that I can start making going out more pleasurable rather than a challenge all the time.

Love Piglet[8D]

19-07-05, 12:10
I have this same problem, for the past week i have been practising paul mckennas CD extream self confidence. On it he talks about feelings...and how we can label our feelings.
So when i have a panic attack (just the word panic is enough to make me feel Panic)I really feel it should be called something else ,any ideas?

He recommends calling uneasy feelings something positive like saying.....oooooo im excited.
well i am working on this technique and it actually helped in a shop this week, i started feeling breathless and nervous and thought to myself oooo im excited, it certainly gave a bit of positive thinking to my thoughts.I started to think what am i excited about ? oh yes ive got lovely cakes and some special offers lol.
before i knew it id done it!


19-07-05, 12:19
Yes Mirry that very true

Fear and excitement have the same actual symptoms - its just how you think about them and what you call them that is different.

Glad its helping you.


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?