View Full Version : new symptom and starting to panic again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

05-02-09, 18:11
hi, its been a while since i have added anything but i have just got a new pain and i am panicking again. the pain is just above the navel about a couple of inches up and comes and goes feels like a stitch, and of course cos it is new i am starting to get myself in a state and imagining all sorts. anyone else get anything like this, just need some reassurance, before i get myself in too much of a state. thanks

05-02-09, 21:49
Hi, this may sound really far-fetched....but have you ever had an operation around the abdominal area? i had my appendix out a couple of years ago and i do get a similar pain to what you describe, in the same place every now and again, it seems to be related to near where they made an incision......just an idea!

08-02-09, 20:49
jackie, I've been having that same thing everyday for a week not, left and right side too...mine also comes and goes and feel just like a stitch.

its nothing, we have tons of muscles in our abdominal area. it could be gas, could be muscles, could be tummy digestion and all that process

08-02-09, 23:44
I get those types of pains too and more. You've just got to try to rationalize your thoughts. I mean everyone gets aches and pains over their body.